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Australorps or Plymouths?

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I have kept various poultry, geese, ducks, quail and chickens but will shortly be moving and want to get a trio of bantams for the garden. I have kept hybrids and ex-batteries but want to keep some bantams for a few eggs and I know that Austrlorps and Plymouths are two of the more docile and easy to handle species for the kids. Has anyone kept either of these breeds before?

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Sorry, not kept either of these. I have two wyandottes, one of which is typically broody whereas the other was laying about five or more eggs per week from Christmas until August. Also have two new pullets; a welsummer who is proving to be very friendly and a silver sussex which is supposed to be a friendly breed but mine's still a little reserved. Hope this is of some help.

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my seabrights arnt flighty, there not a heavy slow breed, and are very light and fast, but easily tamed so not really what i consider flighty. have you considered sablepoots? http://www.peartreefarmpoultry.co.uk/AnimSablepoot.html






wink :hmm:

Edited by wink hound
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ive got welsummers, light sussex chooks and bantams and a couple of peking bantams. The pekins are supposed to be really friendly but are still quite young and gettingused to me. Have to say the light sussexs and wellsummers are really friendly but havent found the wellsummers to be good layers. Saw the sebrights at the local mart liked them alot but thought they were too specialised for my novice poultry skills.

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ive got welsummers, light sussix chooks and bantams and a couple of peking bantams. The pekins are supposed to be really friendly but are still quite young and gettingused to me. Have to say the light sussixs and wellsummers are really friendly but havent found the wellsummers to be good layers. Saw the sebrights at the local mart liked them alot but thought they were too specialised for my novice poultry skills.

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