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Evolution Of The Lurcher

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As a newbie learning about hunting with dogs, I was wondering if some of the more experienced folk on here had noticed a change in lurchers over recent years? The archetypal broken coated lurcher, in the eyes of a relative lay person, seems to have given way to greyhound crosses. Is my perception accurate?? What's your thoughts on modern lurchers? If you could breed the ultimate lurcher, how would it be bred??

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The ultimate lurcher,the Holy Grail of hunting mythology,in reality that's all it is,one mans Grail is anothers wine goblet,the lurcher that best suits the individual is all that needed,to many make whats so simplistic seem so complicated.There have been so many shifts in breeding and conformation over the centuries,some good,bad and indifferent,what suits one is anothers dross,that's why they are called lurchers,the Heinz of the dog world,so many varieties,most do the same job.

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go for a walk out your front door and you will most likely bump into one or 2 chaps walking their Lurchers in your area ;)


we all have different dogs for the differing needs of each individual and the types of land we can work our Jukels on.

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Original lurchers were greyhound x's.


Greyhound x Herding / Droving dogs.


To disguise the dogs shape and thus breed, as sight hounds were made illegal for the common man, unless they had toes removed I think. . . . .

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Yep. . . . .


Or not useless, but not ideal in any way . . . . . .


I.E you get some half x bull/greys that are perfectly adapt at ferreting. . . . but in general a 'ferreter' wouldnt go out and choose that dog for the job.


And if before the ban you were doing fox control big time. . . . . a whippet x greyhound wouldn't be your choice . . . .


Even odd things like. . . a mate will only have dogs 25" and over, as where he runs them, its all stone walls, with post and wire on top, so he needs a dog that has good clearance and can take large obstacles in their stride, without losing too much speed.

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One mans hunting lifestyle best suits a type of lurcher that another frowns upon,i did,nt mention lady,s as ive found the females amidst us often have a better understanding of what it takes to get the best from what they have,something they often learn from being with a bloke.A coursing man would kick a whippet and a terrier man would backfill a Saluki,only the Collie/Grey suits all,well possibly the better informed.

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There is no such thing as 'best all round lurcher'


Its just a case of finding a pup out of two dogs that are doing to a high standard what you want the pup to do, and that come from proven lines. . . . making sure that pup has been well reared. Putting the time in to bond, train and condition the dog, and then entering it right, and making sure it gets plenty of work, and the right food, exercise and medical care.


That's the magical formula . . . . not some neat list of percentages. . . .

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