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Wanted **** Intact Bunny

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Hi, I need to get hold if an intact bunny to make an introduction with my pup. I have tries Vic suluvan and the butchers in the indoor market in Cardiff. Apparently butchers are bot aloud by law to have intact rabbits (but they can have braces of whatever birds). Any way I need to start training g my pup for lamping. Just the smell and feel of the real thing. I can drive to collect and even pay for said bunny. Any help appreciated. Cheers, Cai.

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Hi, I need to get hold if an intact bunny to make an introduction with my pup. I have tries Vic suluvan and the butchers in the indoor market in Cardiff. Apparently butchers are bot aloud by law to have intact rabbits (but they can have braces of whatever birds). Any way I need to start training g my pup for lamping. Just the smell and feel of the real thing. I can drive to collect and even pay for said bunny. Any help appreciated. Cheers, Cai.

Got some here in the freezer if you want some.

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