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About Time Too, Common Sense.. Do You Agree,

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didnt iceland do something like this ,or is nobody talking to them to ask?


They received a bailout from the IMF amongst other things.


If we'd done the same thing it would have been catastrophic.

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No Dave it's just that they've got zero chance of any success and secondly I don't want everyone sending back where they came from it's not even realistic no matter how p**sed off about immigration pe

Quite simply put I think ther BNP are way past it. BUT it would not be too hard to round up every foreign scrounger and fuuck them off out of the country work, pay ya taxes, support your family sor

Why were they let in in the first place? Because Labour needed to replace their core voters after shafting the working classes. They were working on the principle that people wont bite the hand that f

The government use money as another form of control, when people are worried about finances they are too busy to notice the changes that are taking place, to ensure that the working man and women stay exactly were they want them, literally as cogs in the machine, the machine that spits out masses of privilege and profit for the ruling class. Its the same people at the top, that breed and continue the cycle, the same families that generation after generation attend Eton and Harrow that rule this country, they don't want the masses being better off, why would they, it would make them proportionally less wealthy and thus less powerful. We are given the illusion of freedom and a vote every few years but strip back all the BS and its still a feudal system, taxes being paid by the masses to fund the super rich. Money is just one of many tools used to control us, others include turning us against each other, distracting us with trivia, using our own fears against us and the work hard and you'll make it sound bite. Some will make it but only enough that makes the lie seem believable to the population, the rulers of this country don't want us to make it out of the system, they need us in the system so that we can continue to fund them.


An extreme right wing party is not the answer though, the world tried that before and it didn't go too well. I don't dislike any man because of the colour of his skin, there's no logic in that to me, colour is an accident of birth, it really is that simple. Also I couldn't vote for a party that are holocaust deniers, that would mean that my granddad spent 6 years of his life, seeing his lads being blown up and disembowled by aircraft fire and fighting Nazis all over europe for no reason and would make a farce of the fact that my great uncle died in the far east building that railway, whilst being tortured by the Nazis allies, the imperial Japanese army.


I don't know the answer, if I did I would be in politics, actually I wouldn't make it................I'm a terrible liar.

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Tax and welfare are the means of control......have been for the last 60 odd years


When the aristocracy was the ones who became MPs, they didn't need money some they actually governed more in the interests of the country.......back in the day there was 18 people in the foreign office, now there are 28000 !!!!


That's what paying people to do politics gets you, a load of mediocre ex Oxbridge grads who wasn't quiet good enough to get a job earning the real big bucks so they chose politics instead.


So instead of having the very best ruling the country we just get mediocre fuckwits.

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i think that anybody who makes a career decision to be a politician has serious character flaws............



i would also like to know, when did an mp stop being the person who represents the views of the voters in parliament, and instead become somebody who controls what we do?

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Council workers pensions

Council employees pay into their own pensions mate. Council has to pay employers contribution same as any other employer but this is not taken out of your council tax. Some Civil servants have a non contributory pension but not local government employees.
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Council workers pensions

Council employees pay into their own pensions mate. Council has to pay employers contribution same as any other employer but this is not taken out of your council tax. Some Civil servants have a non contributory pension but not local government employees.



The council exists as a service paid for from 100% tax payer contributions. If the money doesn't come from council tax contributions then where does it come from?

Edited by ChrisJones
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Tax and welfare are the means of control......have been for the last 60 odd years


When the aristocracy was the ones who became MPs, they didn't need money some they actually governed more in the interests of the country.......back in the day there was 18 people in the foreign office, now there are 28000 !!!!


That's what paying people to do politics gets you, a load of mediocre ex Oxbridge grads who wasn't quiet good enough to get a job earning the real big bucks so they chose politics instead.


So instead of having the very best ruling the country we just get mediocre fuckwits.

Spot on.. I've said on here before I reckon politics should be something you go into after a career, not something you make one out of. There should be a minimum age limit of something like 50 or 60 before you are eligible to stand for election IMO..

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Tax and welfare are the means of control......have been for the last 60 odd years


When the aristocracy was the ones who became MPs, they didn't need money some they actually governed more in the interests of the country.......back in the day there was 18 people in the foreign office, now there are 28000 !!!!


That's what paying people to do politics gets you, a load of mediocre ex Oxbridge grads who wasn't quiet good enough to get a job earning the real big bucks so they chose politics instead.


So instead of having the very best ruling the country we just get mediocre fuckwits.

Spot on.. I've said on here before I reckon politics should be something you go into after a career, not something you make one out of. There should be a minimum age limit of something like 50 or 60 before you are eligible to stand for election IMO..



The only issue I can see, with that, Malt is having a bunch of near pensioners trying to turn the country back into how it was 'when I were a lad.'


Nostalgia is a great way of sifting all the bits of history, discarding the shite and repackaging it for more than it's worth... I think that's a lyric from a Baz Luhrmann track! :D

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Tax and welfare are the means of control......have been for the last 60 odd years


When the aristocracy was the ones who became MPs, they didn't need money some they actually governed more in the interests of the country.......back in the day there was 18 people in the foreign office, now there are 28000 !!!!


That's what paying people to do politics gets you, a load of mediocre ex Oxbridge grads who wasn't quiet good enough to get a job earning the real big bucks so they chose politics instead.


So instead of having the very best ruling the country we just get mediocre fuckwits.

Spot on.. I've said on here before I reckon politics should be something you go into after a career, not something you make one out of. There should be a minimum age limit of something like 50 or 60 before you are eligible to stand for election IMO..



The only issue I can see, with that, Malt is having a bunch of near pensioners trying to turn the country back into how it was 'when I were a lad.'


Nostalgia is a great way of sifting all the bits of history, discarding the shite and repackaging it for more than it's worth... I think that's a lyric from a Baz Luhrmann track! :D



Better to have an old fuddy duddy who has had the experience of a life lived in the real world than some fresh faced, silver spoon up his arse, straight out of uni dipshit running things mate! :D

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Council workers pensions


Council employees pay into their own pensions mate. Council has to pay employers contribution same as any other employer but this is not taken out of your council tax. Some Civil servants have a non contributory pension but not local government employees.

The council exists as a service paid for from 100% tax payer contributions. If the money doesn't come from council tax contributions then where does it come from?

The employers contribution comes central government funding allocations . This will obviously come from some form of tax levied by the government but not from council tax. Council tax is only a portion of income received by local government. You can check your own local authority income on their website if your interested but be prepared for your piss to boil when you see howmuch the councillors receive.
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