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About Time Too, Common Sense.. Do You Agree,

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Better to have an old fuddy duddy who has had the experience of a life lived in the real world than some fresh faced, silver spoon up his arse, straight out of uni dipshit running things mate! :D


Quoting because I can't Like! :thumbs:


The employers contribution comes central government funding allocations . This will obviously come from some form of tax levied by the government but not from council tax. Council tax is only a portion of income received by local government. You can check your own local authority income on their website if your interested but be prepared for your piss to boil when you see howmuch the councillors receive.


I've seen how it works and it's stomach wrenching how f****d we actually are. :(

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No Dave it's just that they've got zero chance of any success and secondly I don't want everyone sending back where they came from it's not even realistic no matter how p**sed off about immigration pe

Quite simply put I think ther BNP are way past it. BUT it would not be too hard to round up every foreign scrounger and fuuck them off out of the country work, pay ya taxes, support your family sor

Why were they let in in the first place? Because Labour needed to replace their core voters after shafting the working classes. They were working on the principle that people wont bite the hand that f

htv west last night asked were the deputy leader of somerset council is shes on £165,000 a year and nobodys seen her for 4 months but there still paying her wages , why? i wish i could fck off for 4 months and get paid 165 grand for it

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I know mate my ms has to deal with it on a daily basis in her job and she gets paid less than some of the councillors who only attend the minimum amount meetings required to claim their money. Some of them do a good job for their parish and put a lot of hours in but others just take the piss and collect their money.

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It's the executive officer wages that take the piss. My council has two in the top 10 local authority earners chart that covers the whole UK, they earn more than the PM FFS.. :angry: We have a tiny population compared to some of the other areas as well, really boils my piss.. Wouldn't be so bad if they delivered a world class service but they don't.. The CEO of our council is an arrogant twat too. He was once told that the elected members were the ones who called the shots and he allegedly arrogantly answered, "No. Members of the council do NOT direct me.." f***ing wanker.. He won't come clean about what he pays in taxes either..

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A new peoples party could be formed a party where Every issue regarding the running of our island would be decided by the people in form of referendum the elitist tail has been wagging

this working dog for far to long.


.The leaders should as mentioned earlier be champions of industry every issue would be open to debate and the pros and cons of each topic explained

for all to understand


....Taxes.Capital punishment, EU,inclusion,Immigration ..Everything decided by WE the real people of this country....I believe this would once and for all put an end

to the corruption rife and totally throughout ALL parties, after all are we not a democratic nation ..However be prepared ..should this party ever begin to gather any

sort of momentum....Swine flu ..Foot and Mouth..Aids..black plague..or some other sudden catastrophe or (Fcuk me we are shitting ourselves we need a distraction)

Will no doubt fall upon us usually starting with our leaders....................So...I am looking for volunteers :whistling: .........Anyone :D

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Tax and welfare are the means of control......have been for the last 60 odd years

When the aristocracy was the ones who became MPs, they didn't need money some they actually governed more in the interests of the country.......back in the day there was 18 people in the foreign office, now there are 28000 !!!!

That's what paying people to do politics gets you, a load of mediocre ex Oxbridge grads who wasn't quiet good enough to get a job earning the real big bucks so they chose politics instead.

So instead of having the very best ruling the country we just get mediocre fuckwits.


Spot on.. I've said on here before I reckon politics should be something you go into after a career, not something you make one out of. There should be a minimum age limit of something like 50 or 60 before you are eligible to stand for election IMO..

The only issue I can see, with that, Malt is having a bunch of near pensioners trying to turn the country back into how it was 'when I were a lad.'


Nostalgia is a great way of sifting all the bits of history, discarding the shite and repackaging it for more than it's worth... I think that's a lyric from a Baz Luhrmann track! :D

Sometimes mate I think taking things back a bit wouldn't be such a bad thing, there's too much "progress" just for progress sake IMHO

In a lot of areas of life I think we have "progressed" backwards !!

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Sometimes mate I think taking things back a bit wouldn't be such a bad thing, there's too much "progress" just for progress sake IMHO

In a lot of areas of life I think we have "progressed" backwards !!


Fair point, mate, but there's a lot of 50+ MP's leading that charge too. I have no issue with progress but I agree with your point about progress in the sense that it seems it has to be made to appear to be doing something, even if it is asinine.


The biggest group that should be keeping the nonsense in check is the voter... But we know how that is heading.

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The problem with democracy is that there's a lot of people who no nothing about politics and are easily swayed by rhetoric and bullsh*t. Personally I'd raise the voting age not lower it


True but the only way you'll change the tide of people, to the ballot box, is by paying them to do it.


We get the government we deserve.

Edited by ChrisJones
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time for a complete rethink, no political parties just the best person for the job in each job for the good of the country, bring back hanging and hang anyone who abuses their position :laugh:

Wonder if it would work.. :hmm:




at least there wont be one person in the job a two others in the shadows being paid to wait to take over :laugh:

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