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About Time Too, Common Sense.. Do You Agree,

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By Richard Cley - London Correspondent-There is a lot of talk about what would actually happen when the British National Party came in to power. Mostly the mainstream media parrot Westminster politicians and their lies.

This means British voters are misinformed by a terrified regiment of government apparatchiks, who know that their days as slavish Quislings for the corrupt EU would be at an end.

The first act of the first British National Party cabinet meeting would be to abolish all debt, whether national debt or personal unsecured debt. Our people should not be held in permanent slavery to a corrupt and inefficient banking system.

Consequently, with one act, we would free all British people resident and working in our islands from their economic slavery to the corrupt banking elite and their puppet politicians.

We would also shut down the Bank of England and the government would issue a new debt-free currency. To ensure this currency was adopted nationally we would insist that all taxation paid by business should be paid in the new debt-free pound sterling.

Our second act would be to leave the European Union. There would be no negotiations. The day we take office is the day we become an independent sovereign nation again, living according to English and Welsh law, Scottish and Irish law (where applbnp_out_of_eu.jpgicable), within our nation state.

All rulings made by either a non-British court or according to an alien law will be immediately nullified. It will be illegal to fly the EU flag and the British national flags of each component country will fly over all public buildings to reinforce our identity.

Our third act as a new government would be to reduce all taxation to a level not seen in this country within living memory. A married couple's personal allowance (in 2015) would be £30,000 per annum and a single person's allowance would be £12,000.

Income tax would start at 10% on the next £25,000 for a married couple and £10,000 for a single person. 15% on the next £25,000 and £10,000 respectively, rising to a top rate of 20% on all income above these lower rates. VAT would be cut to 10%.

Other pressing matters would also be tackled. All ownership of British property by overseas investors would be nullified and this property claimed by the nation to be redistributed at fair prices to our island peoples.

Nationally owned services stolen from the people such as water, electricity and railways will be renationalised and prices for these services will be reduced to levels that everyone can afford.

Government sponsored scams that only benefit the rich and their corrupt friends will be terminated. The foreign aid scam will end, the wind farm scam will end, the multicultural immigration scam will be stopped. A hundred other fiddles, deceits and shambolic practices instigated by past governments will be axed.

All immigrants that are here legally are taxpayers in work and who abide by the law of the land may stay as long as they wish. They will be encouraged to integrate in to our society as have previous generations of immigrants over the last 4000 years. All others will be asked to leave. Integrate or leave. That is our position on immigrants. Become British and respect our way of life or leave.

There are, of course, a myriad of other matters to be dealt with, but these first few steps are vital to regain our freedom from the tyranny of debt imposed by our corrupt elites.

The British National Party is the only positive force within British politics working to benefit all our peoples. Become free, vote British National Party for freedom.

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No Dave it's just that they've got zero chance of any success and secondly I don't want everyone sending back where they came from it's not even realistic no matter how p**sed off about immigration pe

Quite simply put I think ther BNP are way past it. BUT it would not be too hard to round up every foreign scrounger and fuuck them off out of the country work, pay ya taxes, support your family sor

Why were they let in in the first place? Because Labour needed to replace their core voters after shafting the working classes. They were working on the principle that people wont bite the hand that f

BNP are a bunch of nutters who've had their moment in the sun. There are better alternatives unless you really want to send back every coloured person to their native countries.


Don't be fooled by them they've got a much different agenda to what some people might think.


Vote UKIP :thumbs:


P.S Nick Griffin is now bankrupt.

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No Dave it's just that they've got zero chance of any success and secondly I don't want everyone sending back where they came from it's not even realistic no matter how p**sed off about immigration people get.


Secondly I don't believe that the holocaust didn't happen nor blame the Jews for everything wrong in the world like Nick Griffin does.


We need out of Europe and a new party in charge yes but there are better options in my opinion.


Finally the entire world and it's media would be against the BNP if they were in power, we'd end up like Argentina.

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Wipe all dept national and personal....... just like that? No repurcussions?


Cut income tax ridiculously, severely reducing revenue..... just like that. We're running a deficit now, what are we going to loose to make up that deficit and compensate for the dramatically reduced tax revenue? And don't tell me foreign aid, that's piss in the ocean!


Scrub borrowing any more to stay afloat, after the debt wipe we wouldn't get used shit roll on loan!


Re-nationalise industry...... how? Just steal it back or pay for it? Where's the money coming from to pay for it?

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I think some of the policies are fantastic some fantasy, but it does not really matter, they are never going to get in so its all hypothetical, still not sold on the UKIP thing to be honest, and yes I think they will cause a stir at the election, but voting for them is just helping that f***ing English hating jew Millipede get in power. And I think Farage is just a puppet of the zionist banking mafia, in a very clever disguise.

Edited by charlie caller
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I think some of the policies are fantastic some fantasy, but it does not really matter, they are never going to get in so its all hypothetical, still not sold on the UKIP thing to be honest, and yes I think they will cause a stir at the election, but voting for them is just helping that f***ing English hating jew Millipede get in power.


Depends where you live :)


We're in a Labour/Lib Dem area and a vote for the Cons is a waste of time...might as well stay at home and watch the telly.


South Shields By election UKIP came 2nd place and the cons have zero chance up there either.


We'll be having one in Wythinshaw soon as the MP there passed away so who knows.

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I think some of the policies are fantastic some fantasy, but it does not really matter, they are never going to get in so its all hypothetical, still not sold on the UKIP thing to be honest, and yes I think they will cause a stir at the election, but voting for them is just helping that f***ing English hating jew Millipede get in power.


Trouble is, if we continue to think like that we will never change anything. The electorate has to be brave...

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I think some of the policies are fantastic some fantasy, but it does not really matter, they are never going to get in so its all hypothetical, still not sold on the UKIP thing to be honest, and yes I think they will cause a stir at the election, but voting for them is just helping that f***ing English hating jew Millipede get in power.


Trouble is, if we continue to think like that we will never change anything. The electorate has to be brave...


Well things will certainly change allright if that slimy little jew gets in power FOR THE WORSE.

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I don't want to get into the whole race thing etc etc......but regardless of your political stance, it's plain to see, that the BNP couldn't run a raffle, let alone a government........it's the classic 'wasted vote' in IMO

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