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Hw80 Conversion From Gas Ram To Spring

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hi i have recently brought a hw80 with a gas ram in it even though the gas rams and seals have recently been changed and has been regassed but im not keen on it and would like to go back to spring also i have also heard / seen some bad reviews on gas rams


what parts would i need to buy/get to convert back to spring



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It's an easy job but why would you want to? My 90's been utterly dependable in the seventeen years I've owned it.


If you do decide to do it all you need to do is de-gas the ram, strip it and take out the inner steel tube then replace it with the steel spring for the 80. Job done.

Edited by andyfr1968
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its only because i have hear bad things about but i will give it a chance first


is it just spring i have to buy or do i have to buy a spring guide aswell


thanks for the information you have already given me you have been very helpful

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Are you sure it's an 80 you have and not a 90? There were some kits available for the 80 many moons ago but they weren't very reliable, if memory serves.


If your HW is shooting below 12 then they have a fairly soft recoil. Some Theobens have quite a sharp recoil and can break scopes though and many of the reports about rams leaking are non-refilable after market kits. If you have access to a pump, all the better but they should hold pressure for years given regular use. They don't like being left idle for long periods.


You don't need a spring guide if you convert it but it won't hurt. It'll just be a tad more 'twangy' without one.


Almost forgot... If you do change to a steel spring, there's two rubber 'o' rings and a nylon scraper ring to remove from the inside of the piston.

Edited by andyfr1968
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I had a gas-ram fitted Webley Excel .22 and on the back of that experience I had an HW80 converted to gas-ram and it smashed a couple of expensive scopes. I did not like the experience and got rid of it. The 80 did not seem to take kindly to being gas-ram fitted and if it did, Weihrauch would probably offer one as standard like their excellent HW90.


My current HW80 is .22 and spring powered to FAC level and shoots like a dream. It now just smashes cheaper Hawke scopes so, I keep it scoped-up with a Simmons Whitetail Classic 4.5-14x40mm AO and a Simmons Pro Air 6-18x40 AO which can take her recoil and stay on zero.

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