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Fined For Taking Kids Out Of School On A Holiday

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WILF, surely there should be a degree of flexibility allowed to parents that show they are putting in the time with their childs studies? Why is making it a criminal offence necessary? It just screams of target met policy over rulling common sense to me.


I think the criminal offence should certainly be there as a backstop to govern the cases as Ideation quoted. Otherwise, if I ever missed any school my parents always ensured I caught up as much as possible before I went back. Those with c.25% attendance records are obviously in need of further attention to improve the engagement - a criminal offence might prove the inspiration needed.

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Maybe if holiday companies were banned from using the disgraceful tactics they use to extort money from families they wouldnt have to resort to things like this just to have a normal family holiday wi

Personally. I don't think the old regulations were changed for education reasons,,, the old rules were you could have an extra 10 days,,,it seems to me this is just about making school attendance reco

What a load of bullshit ... They are my kids not the governments not the schools ?.. I should be able to take them out of school whenever I wanted ........


WILF, surely there should be a degree of flexibility allowed to parents that show they are putting in the time with their childs studies? Why is making it a criminal offence necessary? It just screams of target met policy over rulling common sense to me.

I probably don't need to tell you mate that "degrees" of a rule never work, it's either a rule or it isn't



Alright then to re-word it; if the kids doing well, always gets his homework in on time, the parents always attend parents evening and the kid generally proves a good student why should they be denied a max 2 week term time holiday to save expense? The kid won't suffer for it and will in all probability benefit from the extra curricula experience. It could be policy to give the kid additional home work building up to the absence to offset the effect it has to his studies. It did me feck all harm and likewise with any of the other kids in my year. Just more over bearing government attitude.

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They had a degree of flexibility and should have stayed with that,, 2 weeks allowed in term time,,,


I agree with a lot you said wilf school is very important,,, so much so that I can't remember the last time my daughter had a day off in term time,,, not even a sick day,,, it must be 3 years or more,,, we also have a private tutor that comes on Saturday morning for an hour,, and concentrates on maths and English ,,, best 20 quid I spend,,, as she was average before and is now well above average at both these subjects


Even though I brought this subject up,, I have taken holidays,, in the holidays,,, I just think it's wrong they way were punished

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WILF, surely there should be a degree of flexibility allowed to parents that show they are putting in the time with their childs studies? Why is making it a criminal offence necessary? It just screams of target met policy over rulling common sense to me.


I think the criminal offence should certainly be there as a backstop to govern the cases as Ideation quoted. Otherwise, if I ever missed any school my parents always ensured I caught up as much as possible before I went back. Those with c.25% attendance records are obviously in need of further attention to improve the engagement - a criminal offence might prove the inspiration needed.


Big difference between a kid having a 25% attendance record and a kid having a fortnight off.. There is already legislation in place to deal with the former..

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Wilf what is a faith school ? And how is it different to a Church of England school? Cheers

My kids junior school is Roman Catholic, they have a little more autonomy over what they teach ( not much but a little) and because the catholic faith is at the centre of everything they do ( rather than having to be all things to all people) the kids tend to be better behaved and as such have a better work ethic. ( that sound bloody snobbish but it's true)


Ours are working almost a full year ahead of the other local schools.


They concentrate on turning out good human beings ( not trying to be too politically correct) and as such the results seem to be a by product of that ethic.


My oldest dose not go to a faith secondary school, we let her choose where she was most comfortable and where we as parents could be most involved but because if her junior education she is flying in secondary.

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Yes my wife went to catholic school as did both my sisters,, there all catholic by the way,,, I'm slowly converting my wife to atheism ,,,lol


I have to admit the catholic schools in Nottingham have very good reputation,,,so much so that they get a good number of Muslim kids,,, wich is ironic

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I think school is vitally important but so is family time so if a family has to take their child out for two weeks because they can only afford off peak prices, they should be allowed to do so. Its just total hypocrisy, the whole thing, the government are forcing these policies through saying "its in the child's best interests", whilst at the same time allow internet search engines to do less than they can about removing illegal images. Yet again it all comes down to the international language...................money! By forcing families to go on peak time holidays, the government are ensuring maximum profit for the airlines and tourist industry, ensuring that only the better off will have holidays and ensuring that the already undernourished existence of so many of our children, continues in the same manner. Its just another very small way of controlling the population and ensuring that the class system not only continues, but flourishes. The same with universities, for the first time in many years the top universities are becoming more elitest, none of this is coincidence, its all about controlling the population and keeping the powers that be at the top and the rest of us working to provide for them. Pretty clever really as most of us have the illusion of freedom :D

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Its strange how money rules even schools ... In a boarding school the parents can take their kids out for a couple of weeks at a time with no issues at all .......

Difference is mate, private are not working to any rules except their own and in most cases the kids are so far ahead of the national standards that it makes no impact on the achievement standard.


State schools (be they faith or otherwise) have standards to reach or that can impact on the teachers pay........which I actually think is a good thing.

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I've always talked my way around them, by getting a permission slip first.


Cultural visits are quite educational and close family events are a must in a child's upbringing.


Also if your child is doing well helps.


That's what this thread is about mate, you can't even get a permission slip with the recent change of the law..

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Lets get one thing straight i have not got a problem with muslims or any race,but do 5 year olds really need to be learning that at their age,not imo.Maths,english etc yes but surley cultural stuff can wait a couple of years.I did take this up with the head teacher and to be fair she could see my point but i quote "her hands were tied" and that is what they are told to include so they do!I just cant for the life of me see why a child that has only been in full time education 5 months needs to learn this stuff now,surley there are more long term benificial things to be starting with!!




I can totally see where you're coming from and don't think they need to be overtly teaching the differences about Islam and Christianity and such like but I think it doesn't hurt to be open and provide a grounding for these types of differences. It could very well be that children are turning up to schools and finding their first experience of other cultures and skin colours. By talking through some of the differences (in a way that 5 year olds can understand) it can help promote more tolerances and therefore a more harmonious classroom (putting the mayhem of five year olds to one side for a moment).


Of course, that can all be undone by slightly more blinkered views when the child gets home.


yeah like all the education foreigners get in this country from early school age and most even born here get their thought process broadened by our education system lol ask lee rigby family mr clever cloggs

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how many weeks holiday do they get as it is----its not the schools that are at fault like gnash touched on earlier its the rip off holiday companys would`nt be an issue if holidays were fairly priced in the 5-6 summer holiday ,,,,,,i never found it a problem getting a cheap holiday in the sun it was either book up early or go last minute i cant remember having time out of school for a holiday when i was a kid and most areas had a shut down period leicester/nottingham fortnight and it happened all over the country so thats when you took your family holiday -----

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