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dont forget to build your upper body strengh as well when your up to a decent level run in boots not trainers its a world of difference when you get to the stage of doing 1.5 miles in sub 8 mins get the bergan on and get it as high on your back as you can but as sock mentioned its mind over matter i don t mind and you dont matter when your arms and legs are cramping up KEEP GOING RUN THROUGH IT mind set is the inportant facter there get you fit, remember pain is a sensation like wanking only better, if you think posative and push through the pain barrier you soon get there , i used to do 1.5 mile in 7--71/2 mins and for fun i used to run 10k cross country in 35-40 mins now ive a job to walk let alone run fcked knees and joints due to rugby and running and jumping out of perfectly good aroeplane and helcopters but id do it all again play the game and you can have a good life

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FFS it ain't rocket science ... Eat sensibly ... Cut down on the booze ... Give up the fags and get out and push yourself pounding the pavements ... Remember when your out of breath you havnt pushed y

Look mate ,just get out running as I said if you can run 5 mile you wont be far off ,I've taken a few through different training depots ,running 5 mile will get you to a base level ,.then you can leav

your obviously young so your recovery times will be fairly good. make sure you stretch off well after each session to rid the lactic acid from your muscles, you should be ok to train everyday after 2

you can't be too fit,dont focus on those entrance tests.


if they're even an issue you're not fit enough yet imo

you dont want to be trying to catch up on fitness when you're in training.


they used to run something called fox platoon in ITC where they'd send all the fatties for a month before training to get them up to minimum standard,of all the people i know who done that i only know a couple who actually finished training.



edit: just noticed your avatar,are you going for the trifles?

No mate, the recruitment office wants me to go mercians but I want to go PWRR

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dont forget to build your upper body strengh as well when your up to a decent level run in boots not trainers its a world of difference when you get to the stage of doing 1.5 miles in sub 8 mins get the bergan on and get it as high on your back as you can but as sock mentioned its mind over matter i don t mind and you dont matter when your arms and legs are cramping up KEEP GOING RUN THROUGH IT mind set is the inportant facter there get you fit, remember pain is a sensation like wanking only better, if you think posative and push through the pain barrier you soon get there , i used to do 1.5 mile in 7--71/2 mins and for fun i used to run 10k cross country in 35-40 mins now ive a job to walk let alone run fcked knees and joints due to rugby and running and jumping out of perfectly good aroeplane and helcopters but id do it all again play the game and you can have a good life

My upper body strength isn't an issue, I can smash all the other tests with time to spare. I do a lot of lifting and carrying daily, I do logging for the fire so I'm carrying big pine logs through the forest all the time and walking 4 miles with a weeks shopping or 20kg of dog food so I'm not worried about that its just the run

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dont forget to build your upper body strengh as well when your up to a decent level run in boots not trainers its a world of difference when you get to the stage of doing 1.5 miles in sub 8 mins get the bergan on and get it as high on your back as you can but as sock mentioned its mind over matter i don t mind and you dont matter when your arms and legs are cramping up KEEP GOING RUN THROUGH IT mind set is the inportant facter there get you fit, remember pain is a sensation like wanking only better, if you think posative and push through the pain barrier you soon get there , i used to do 1.5 mile in 7--71/2 mins and for fun i used to run 10k cross country in 35-40 mins now ive a job to walk let alone run fcked knees and joints due to rugby and running and jumping out of perfectly good aroeplane and helcopters but id do it all again play the game and you can have a good life

My upper body strength isn't an issue, I can smash all the other tests with time to spare. I do a lot of lifting and carrying daily, I do logging for the fire so I'm carrying big pine logs through the forest all the time and walking 4 miles with a weeks shopping or 20kg of dog food so I'm not worried about that its just the run

Reminds me of the start of the film commando :D

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you can't be too fit,dont focus on those entrance tests.


if they're even an issue you're not fit enough yet imo

you dont want to be trying to catch up on fitness when you're in training.


they used to run something called fox platoon in ITC where they'd send all the fatties for a month before training to get them up to minimum standard,of all the people i know who done that i only know a couple who actually finished training.



edit: just noticed your avatar,are you going for the trifles?

No mate, the recruitment office wants me to go mercians but I want to go PWRR



You don't want to be sharing a room with a load of mincing southerners mate ;)

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Pwrr is based between Woolwich and Cyprus and both bases have the newest accommodation, they are all single en suite rooms :)


yeah after depo,you'll have to put up with 6 months of the room stinking of perfume and all the lads giving each other manicures whenever they get a spare minute.


Is it Episkopi they're based?

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Pwrr is based between Woolwich and Cyprus and both bases have the newest accommodation, they are all single en suite rooms :)


yeah after depo,you'll have to put up with 6 months of the room stinking of perfume and all the lads giving each other manicures whenever they get a spare minute.


Is it Episkopi they're based?

I'm not sure on the namre of the Cyprus base off my head.

Do you mean during training? My training will be catterrick which is 8 man rooms

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Dont base your choice on the type of rooms they have. Some of my best times where living in a 4 man room. Everywhere will be single man rooms soon.

Single rooms is obviously something I want although its not my reasons for choosing that regiment. I'm happy to be based between Woolwich and Cyprus, they are recruiting now and they are due another tour of Afghan soon

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Just do a mixture of training... running...pressups...situps....


I seen guys who only ran.. could do a 7minute PFT... but soon as you put weight on their back they would crumble....




I've got feck all constructive to add to this as I'm not soldier but got a mate who's high up in RAF Regt. and they obviously have to do their annual fitness test, he said exactly the same, loads of youngsters that have excellent cardio but no upper/core body strength. They can run miles in minutes and score high on bleep test but can't pull/press up for shit.


Out of interest how strict are the army on press up/sit up form? The Royal Marines press ups are those elbows tucked into your sides ones, absolutely smash your triceps! I see a lot of people think they know what each exercise is but neglect how particular that outfit is on exact form.



They dont half mate. and you get the man mountain PTI's scrutinising every single one, they are also done with a lad laid facing the other way, fist on the floor, fingers down...he doesnt feel it touch his fist, he doesnt count it. he cant see you going down so you have to make sure your chest touches his hand. They dont mind if they see your hips sagging just saying to your oppo 'dont count the last 10 hes done'

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Don't worry about all that fitness nonsense just eat plenty of chips and drink Guinness it worked for andy mcnab ... Or should I say steve mitchell ...........


Who's Steve Mitchell Socks?


Yeah it did sound a bit of a daft question :laugh:


It's just I understood Andy McNab to have a different name that's all, is it Steve Mitchell for definite?

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