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best thing that got my run times down was hill sprints, and fartlek training. find a hill, not too steep, and belt up it fast as you can. walk back down, repeatx10. can do it on a flat surface too, but hill is better. Jog to the hill to warm up, stretch off so you dont kill yourself or tear something. then crack on.


fartlek is 5 mile run, in the middle of it, sprint for 2 lamp posts, walk for 1. do that for a couple of mile. then run home. Both of these got my run times down immensley, I was running 7 mile in about 45 minutes.

Hill sprints sound like a good plan however fartlek unfortunately we dont have lampposts here! :( I'll just have to guess a rough distance but I will give both a go.

Cheers guys :)

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FFS it ain't rocket science ... Eat sensibly ... Cut down on the booze ... Give up the fags and get out and push yourself pounding the pavements ... Remember when your out of breath you havnt pushed y

Look mate ,just get out running as I said if you can run 5 mile you wont be far off ,I've taken a few through different training depots ,running 5 mile will get you to a base level ,.then you can leav

your obviously young so your recovery times will be fairly good. make sure you stretch off well after each session to rid the lactic acid from your muscles, you should be ok to train everyday after 2

Look mate ,just get out running as I said if you can run 5 mile you wont be far off ,I've taken a few through different training depots ,running 5 mile will get you to a base level ,.then you can leave all the sprints ,gym sessions ,hill sprints to the friendly army PTIs to take you to the next load of levels ,don't over complicate it ,run forest run

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best thing that got my run times down was hill sprints, and fartlek training. find a hill, not too steep, and belt up it fast as you can. walk back down, repeatx10. can do it on a flat surface too, but hill is better. Jog to the hill to warm up, stretch off so you dont kill yourself or tear something. then crack on.


fartlek is 5 mile run, in the middle of it, sprint for 2 lamp posts, walk for 1. do that for a couple of mile. then run home. Both of these got my run times down immensley, I was running 7 mile in about 45 minutes.

Hill sprints sound like a good plan however fartlek unfortunately we dont have lampposts here! :( I'll just have to guess a rough distance but I will give both a go.

Cheers guys :)



just time it. sprint for 30 seconds, walk for 30 to start out with. then reduce rest time. another good thing for leg stamina, is running up and down stairs. we used to do it at boxing. 3 minute rounds, up and down stairs, 30 seconds/1 minute rest.


I boxed for years and it took a while to find a trainer that wasnt out dated. A lot of them still want you up at 5am, eating raw eggs and running 10 mile 'slow paced' because its how you lose weight. Lot of bull shit, you dont need to run big distances to get fit, but as Deerman said, 5 mile seems a good base level. circuits and stuff are good too, but you can build on them once you are in there so i wouldnt worry too much. You're going to be getting run ragged by the training team though, quick changes, plus the odd bit of corrective phys for when one of the other mongs does something stupid. 'One of you gets cut you all bleed gentlemen, arms BEND...'

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Do some sort of cv training 6 days a week for about 45 mins and you'll be sorted. Get your phys up before you go. Everything else you can be taught but if you get there at a reasonable standard of fitness you'll make the whole thing easier for yourself.

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Didn't the recruitment office give you an info with a fitness plan inside?,


I'm a fat asthmatic dwarf and I can run a mile and half in less than entry level time .

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You will soon be over complicating yourself...


Selection will be a breeze... run the 1.5mile in time... and dont act like a tiit.... and youll pass...


When your looking to go to catterick for your 6months...


Just do a mixture of training... running...pressups...situps....


I seen guys who only ran.. could do a 7minute PFT... but soon as you put weight on their back they would crumble....


An overall BASIC level of fitness will see you through better than just being able to run like Mo Farrah...


You will get built up in all aspects... running short distances.... to longer distances...


Tabbing with no weight.... to tabbing with weight on your back...


Dont stress yourself too much...


My best advice.... if you have the time....


Would be to join a boxing club... do their running/fitness/ circuits...


And get out once a week with some light weight on your back...


The fittest guys in battalion are the boxers :thumbs: ...

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If you've got a iPod or smart phone you can download an app called 5k run. Put year ear phones on start the app then play your music the app the tells you when to run and when to walk. Within 6 weeks it builds you up to 5k.

I did it and then I progressed on 10 k and within 4 months I'd gone from being a fatty to running 10 k.

Just do as it tells you.

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Just do a mixture of training... running...pressups...situps....


I seen guys who only ran.. could do a 7minute PFT... but soon as you put weight on their back they would crumble....




I've got feck all constructive to add to this as I'm not soldier but got a mate who's high up in RAF Regt. and they obviously have to do their annual fitness test, he said exactly the same, loads of youngsters that have excellent cardio but no upper/core body strength. They can run miles in minutes and score high on bleep test but can't pull/press up for shit.


Out of interest how strict are the army on press up/sit up form? The Royal Marines press ups are those elbows tucked into your sides ones, absolutely smash your triceps! I see a lot of people think they know what each exercise is but neglect how particular that outfit is on exact form.

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FFS it ain't rocket science ... Eat sensibly ... Cut down on the booze ... Give up the fags and get out and push yourself pounding the pavements ... Remember when your out of breath you havnt pushed yourself ... When you start sweating you havnt pushed yourself ... When you've been sick you havnt pushed yourself ... You can push your body far further than you think its the mind that fails most people ... When you think you are done push on and on and on and on ... You will be surprised how far you can push yourself ........

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you can't be too fit,dont focus on those entrance tests.


if they're even an issue you're not fit enough yet imo

you dont want to be trying to catch up on fitness when you're in training.


they used to run something called fox platoon in ITC where they'd send all the fatties for a month before training to get them up to minimum standard,of all the people i know who done that i only know a couple who actually finished training.



edit: just noticed your avatar,are you going for the trifles?

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