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How Much Do You Trust Your Dog?

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I agree with Skycat; I feel very honoured thinking that my dogs trust me implicitly. I know I can remove a thorn in a foot, have a good search around inside an ear or even have a fairly good root around in their mouth. I had a dog once who got a roasted bone jammed inbetween his teeth in the top jaw(never again, I stick to raw now). He was going mental and almost hyperventelating. Due to the size of the bone I was unable to get my fingers round it so was forced to use a screwdriver placed between the roof of his mouth and the bone to prize it out and boy did it take some force. I did all this without a word of complaint from him. I've also known some dogs to raise a foot because they think there's something in a pad even though the offending thorn or whatever it was has come out; I give it a quick check over, slap them on the side and say, "there you go, all done," and they start using the foot again as they assume that because I've had a look it must now be ok. Good thread, it really makes you think about how lucky we are to have that amount of respect from another animal; even though we may not always deserve it.

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I agree with Skycat; I feel very honoured thinking that my dogs trust me implicitly. I know I can remove a thorn in a foot, have a good search around inside an ear or even have a fairly good root around in their mouth. I had a dog once who got a roasted bone jammed inbetween his teeth in the top jaw(never again, I stick to raw now). He was going mental and almost hyperventelating. Due to the size of the bone I was unable to get my fingers round it so was forced to use a screwdriver placed between the roof of his mouth and the bone to prize it out and boy did it take some force. I did all this without a word of complaint from him. I've also known some dogs to raise a foot because they think there's something in a pad even though the offending thorn or whatever it was has come out; I give it a quick check over, slap them on the side and say, "there you go, all done," and they start using the foot again as they assume that because I've had a look it must now be ok. Good thread, it really makes you think about how lucky we are to have that amount of respect from another animal; even though we may not always deserve it.



Nice one Neal, I can relate to your whole contribution, even the bone stuck in the roof of the mouth, it was a Spaniel with us, I'll never forget him drinking water and it was all running out the side of his mouth as he couldn't close it :o , he just sat there while I prised it out and then away, ever so grateful...........Al :drink:

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good post al :thumbs: my dog isnt really like that i think she trusts me in such a way but when it comes to a hurt leg and stuff she will allow me to take a look at it. but she realy dosent like being messed with witch i respected in a way i mean if i was in pain the last thing i would want is my bloody mother poking and proding me :yes: as far as trusting my dog goes there is situations were i no she can be trusted and were she carnt e.g if there is any kids in the garden she gets loked up in her pen simpley because i carnt trust her... with family i can no problems but if one of the kids mates comes round to play and steps on her i no she would bite them simpley because she dosent know them but if one of the kids stepped on her it would be a yelp and she would lick them silly as if yo say dont worry about it... :yes: anyway great post all the best WB :thumbs:

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I trust my Terriers and the Lurcher 100%..i can do anything with them and they are totally accepting, even times when i have had to clean up something sore or pull a nail etc..they would defend me and i them. I dont have the same relationship with the Vizslas, they arent hugely my thing and i dont care for the demanding part of their nature..i LOVE my terriers and the Lurcher pup is very like them.

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