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Harassment From The Feds

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I was beating a bog last year and after running a fox to ground digging it and dispatching him we headed back to the motors. When we reached the motors the police were there. They ask us what we were doing and did we have permission to be on the land. We told them what we had done. We also contacted the land owner by phone and let him speak to the police prooving we had permission. They said they suspected us of badger baiting. They ask us to see the dead fox and we showed them. they searched the car and took a bellmann and flint locator and collar, deben mk3, sounding bar, fox nets, couple of spades and shovel, dog leads etc.They said they were confiscating it because it was badger baiting parafinelia. We were all individually interviewed in a police station made to feel like criminals. A year has now past and we still havent received our equipment. Has anyone else had any similar problems.

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We had similar trouble on a dig same craic suspected badger baiting but once we showed them the Fox they let us go on about our business, that was 4 years ago they took our details but nothing more came of it, seemingly you hook the trailer on your marked the b;stads

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Im still waiting from 1998 for my possessions :laugh: ....................... ''YOU HAVE TO KEEP PESTERING THEM'' every day till they cough up with your gear , they'll come off with all types of stories why they cant return it back yet blah blah blah . it'll end up in a incinerator like all there other so called unclaimed goods if you don't start making some noise .

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Unfortunately at the moment there's a very, very anti terrierwork move on by the PSNI.

It looks like they have been briefed and believe the lies that certain members of the USPCA have told them.

One terrierman who asked them to stop harassing him even though they know he only hunts fox was told that they'd leave him alone when he gave up terrierwork altogether as they know that terriermen kill terriers and foxes by hitting them over the head with shovels. No mention of badgers.

Are the I.W.T.F. on the case ?

It's clear harassment of those who carry out a lawful pursuit .

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Unfortunately at the moment there's a very, very anti terrierwork move on by the PSNI.

It looks like they have been briefed and believe the lies that certain members of the USPCA have told them.

That stink d**k Steve philpott is the biggest w**nker and sh*t stirring bstard in the uspca, I know a lad got all his terrier as well as his locator shovels and spades because of that pr**k and his lies, as for the psni they don't need evidence suspicion is enough for them tw*ts to get away with what they do

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f***ing pricks half the coppers couldnt even tell you what a badger looked like, other than they saw one on animals of farthing wood once, a mate on mine got questioned over the same thing when he was out fereting for f**k sake not even a terrier in sight, i cant wait for the ban to be over turned so they can all f**k off

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Whitefeet the likes of your post is part of the problem.

Lads are being stopped and intimidated by police who themselves are not fully aware of the law.

But your post proves that a lot of hunting folk don't know the law either, nor do they know their rights.

The hunting act that was brought in in England and Wales doesn't apply to N.I.

Badgers have been fully protected at this stage in all of the UK and Ireland for over 30 years now.

The Hunting Act might be over turned but the Badger Acts never.

It's legal in all of the UK and Ireland to work fox with a terrier (provided the guidelines and rules are applied) so when the police are harassing folk they know are within the law then it's worrying.

Isn't Stop End of here the N.I. rep for the IWTF ?

Maybe he could enlighten us as to the N.I. situation.

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Unfortunately at the moment there's a very, very anti terrierwork move on by the PSNI.

It looks like they have been briefed and believe the lies that certain members of the USPCA have told them.

One terrierman who asked them to stop harassing him even though they know he only hunts fox was told that they'd leave him alone when he gave up terrierwork altogether as they know that terriermen kill terriers and foxes by hitting them over the head with shovels. No mention of badgers.

Are the I.W.T.F. on the case ?

It's clear harassment of those who carry out a lawful pursuit .


Or maybe they just read what half the retards on here post
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Whitefeet the likes of your post is part of the problem.

Lads are being stopped and intimidated by police who themselves are not fully aware of the law.

But your post proves that a lot of hunting folk don't know the law either, nor do they know their rights.

The hunting act that was brought in in England and Wales doesn't apply to N.I.

Badgers have been fully protected at this stage in all of the UK and Ireland for over 30 years now.

The Hunting Act might be over turned but the Badger Acts never.

It's legal in all of the UK and Ireland to work fox with a terrier (provided the guidelines and rules are applied) so when the police are harassing folk they know are within the law then it's worrying.

Isn't Stop End of here the N.I. rep for the IWTF ?

Maybe he could enlighten us as to the N.I. situation.

ALROUNDER, i am sorry to hear of you unfortunate incident, if you had been a member of the I.W.T.F. and had of informed us at the time of the situation we may have been able to give you some advice and pointed you in the right direction of how to proceed about getting your equipment back! Which we have already been able to do for 2 I.W.T.F. members from NI and are both members off here.....

Now the I.W.T.F. is a Federation and has a voted in committee, it has no representitives NORTH or SOUTH a representitive is the way the fell and moorland operate as that is a working terrier club!


Neil the I.W.T.F. was set up to protect promote and preserver terrier work and its paid up members ( terriermen/women) throughout the whole of Ireland who operate under a code of conduct, now if I.W.T.F. members no matter if they north or south of Ireland operate within the guidelines of our code of conduct and come uner any inconvinience by the authorities then the I.W.T.F. will make it there business to defend all members who have been wrongly accused...


Now Neil i thought by your boastfull posts you may have been a clued up individual and could fully acknowledge at this present time, that yes, some aspects of iligitimate people involved in "so called" terrierwork north and south is under the microscope but do not scare monger, you could have got that information from bbc1 news at 10 on tuesday night lol...... so this is the reason why i can not enlighten you ( as you say) or any other individual on a public forum of I.W.T.F. busines or intentions, the only thing i may suggests because i notice Neil through some of your recent posts, even yourself is not fully aware of what is lawful or unlawful terrierwork north or south.... that for £10 a year membership fee we can give you the facts, of what you can and cant do... hope this enlightens you a little! :thumbs:

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