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After A Small Friendly Game Syndicate, Or Rough Shooting Permission.

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Hi Evan, it's worth having a look in the Game Shooting section a few threads below on the main board under the Shooting and Fieldsports opportunities banner. That's the focal point for people wanting opportunities or posting about ones that come available.


When the weather's good it's a cracking day out and I don't blame you for wanting more of it, but when the weather is crap and the birds are few and far between it can seem like a long day haha. As the game season is coming to a close you might find that people don't renew their place in a syndicate and a few become available, then it's about being in the right place at the right time. Have you chatted to the farmers in your local area and the organisers of any shoots you've been beating on? It's amazing how different doors can open if you're on their radar.


If they know you're looking and know a bit about you it should help delver what you're looking for. Failing that keep looking around and just don't give up asking even if you feel it's becoming pointless - you never know when your luck will turn.

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