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Al'; Check out " When Louis Theroux Met Ann Widdecombe ". It's an interesting watch.


She's not really such a bad person, to be honest. And, going by a photo of her back in her university days? There was f**k all wrong with her, back then, either.

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whats wrong with donkeys?


Come on, guys; Who else should she have given it to? Would £5K cure cancer? I'll die of that shit. If a merciful cardiac doesn't get me first. I'm Very genetically predisposed to it. Most of my direct line died of it. It's in my maternal gene.


Well off the top of my head charity's I would give before a scabby donkey, in no order


1 Help the hero's

2 Any children's charity's

3 The homeless

4The Samaritans

5 British heart Foundation

6 Marie Curie

7 The guide dogs for the blind / disabled etc

8 Any Hospice's

9 Life Boats

10 Air ambulance's

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I give 4quid a month or something silly to a donkey charity. After a weekend of raving I was locked away in my bedroom on a come down. The advert got to me so next thing I've got the phone in my hand n set up a direct debit.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Call me wrong but I just pictured Danny Dyer in Human traffic taking to the brass on the phone pheting his bollockz off :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Slightly off topic but I remember in Los Angeles once, there was a shop selling donkey meat and it turned out it was really fox meat. Folk had been eating it for months, nobody sussed. Donkey and fox meat. Who knew?

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