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Curing Parvovirus With Chlorine

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Did anybody see Yukon men last week where the fella found two of his pups dead and he reckoned it was parvo ... As he didn't have any jabs and the nearest vets are hundreds of miles away ... He watered down chlorine and boiled the pups food up in it ... He reckoned that the chlorine killed the parvo infection in the pups guts .........

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just because bleach will kill the virus on a work surface doesn't mean it will do the same in a pups stomach


the virus does not directly cause death; rather, it causes loss of the lining of the intestinal tract, and destroys some blood cell elements. The intestinal damage results in severe dehydration (water loss), electrolyte (sodium and potassium) imbalances, and infection in the bloodstream (septicemia). In this case, septicemia occurs when the bacteria that normally live in the intestinal tract are able to get into the blood stream; if septicemia develops, the dog is more likely to die.

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  On 12/01/2014 at 20:02, paulus said:

just because bleach will kill the virus on a work surface doesn't mean it will do the same in a pups stomach


the virus does not directly cause death; rather, it causes loss of the lining of the intestinal tract, and destroys some blood cell elements. The intestinal damage results in severe dehydration (water loss), electrolyte (sodium and potassium) imbalances, and infection in the bloodstream (septicemia). In this case, septicemia occurs when the bacteria that normally live in the intestinal tract are able to get into the blood stream; if septicemia develops, the dog is more likely to die.

Indeed the virus is in the dogs body, people do get odd ideas.


Boiling the feed may well destroy bacteria and if it is a bout of gastroenteritis caused by infected food rather than parvo this may stop re infection which could well save the pups. An alternative is that those that were going to die died and the other were the survivors and the boiling was incidental, what ever the truth feeding puppies bleach, boiled or otherwise is not going to help!


  On 12/01/2014 at 22:59, beast said:

boiling chlorine based substances would pretty much evaporate off most of the active ("FREE") chlorine anyway, but even drinking it neat wouldnt affect a virus going round a dogs blood system. bizarre.


There's many bizarre ideas going around, people believe all sorts of odd things, at times I wonder were the enlightenment went lol.

Edited by sandymere
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Once parvo takes hold its usually curtains even with the drugs we have here .Its a sad fact of no innoculations so let that be a warning.

I saw no sign it was parvo in the program mind as dogs excrete blood and look a lot gaunter than his dead pups .

Got to agree that disinfectant in food is no way to go .

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