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Dear Mr Mink . . .

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Well, the history of minkenry is perhaps a little short would you not think? And seeing as at the moment the other two areas we know it includes is stuff about ferrets and stuff about polecats, neither of which the author has seen, or knows about. I was just suggesting that immediately writing a book, may be a little premature. From what he has said, he has material for a damn good paper, but not much more. Give it another couple of years. . . . . and a book would probably be interesting.


But every one likes to be famous. . . . or at least try. . . .

Famous?? I doubt fame comes into it, when writing a book about hunting with mink........I'd say it's quite niche......much like ferreting..

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Right so I thought I would have a crack at ending all of this bollocks. . . .   So I decided to start a post and try to answer some of your questions.   Let me begin by saying, you have absolutely

John Gaunt. Died in 1924 age 73.   Worked on the railways as a rat catcher and used foxes amoungst his terriers to catch the rats with.       http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php?ke

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The chap had an idea and ran with it, nowt wrong with that. To be honest I have been thinking about it this afternoon and the only differance I can see between his way of hunting with mink and falconry, is the romance of the hooked beak and the fact that the mink is an alian species to our shores. Both disiplines use the natural abilities of the animals, but without really taming them.


I could see that within any country that has a natural mink population people would try what he has done. As there would not be the resentment to a destructive alian preditor that there is in this country.


I honestly think he does not really comprehend the strength of loathing in this country towards the mink.



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I just watched the silver fox video. I am no biologist or animal genesist or whatever them chaps are but from the outside looking in. . . . .


If after 50years they are still only getting 1% of fox cubs that are not aggressive then surely this proves that it ISNT genetic???


Also the alterations in the foxes of getting shorter legs and tails than their wild counterpart, surely this is down to 7previous generations being raised in a 3ft square cage? Hence no need for long legs for running and digging etc and no need for a long tail for balance? And a dull coat is no longer needed for camoflauge hence the colour changes? Is this not just evolution, not domestication???


I am probably wrong because like i said im not a scientist im a sparky but thats just what i thought.

Edited by ryaldinhio
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The chap had an idea and ran with it, nowt wrong with that. To be honest I have been thinking about it this afternoon and the only differance I can see between his way of hunting with mink and falconry, is the romance of the hooked beak and the fact that the mink is an alian species to our shores. Both disiplines use the natural abilities of the animals, but without really taming them.


I could see that within any country that has a natural mink population people would try what he has done. As there would not be the resentment to a destructive alian preditor that there is in this country.


I honestly think he does not really comprehend the strength of loathing in this country towards the mink.



Loathing? I hunted foxes, but I knew people who tamed & kept them as pets, loathing never came into it...

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ACCIP - Without wanting to get into a lengthy argument. As this post WAS defending the guy, whilst trying to explain to him, why he had achieved mass hate on here. . . . .


BUT. . . I have a feeling that the urgency to write the book now, may have something to do with a desire to put his name on the practice asap. . . . so he is the 'official founder'. . . .as one cannot copyright a method of working with a wild animal.


I DO believe that what he is doing is interesting and worthwhile. But I think, from what he has posted on here (including exerts from his book so far), he will end up writing a much lesser work by trying to get it done now now now!!!!

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In all seriousness.............I think :D The thought has crossed my mind of a trained hunting racoon. Can you imagine, it would be like a full on ninja, Sneak up on the house, open the door and totally obliterate the fridge without ever being seen :D Climbing trees and grabbing birds out of the branches............................I'm talking world domination here :thumbs: You just know that somewhere in a remote part of an American desert is a highly trained squad of black op Racoons, waiting for the word.

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ACCIP - Without wanting to get into a lengthy argument. As this post WAS defending the guy, whilst trying to explain to him, why he had achieved mass hate on here. . . . .


BUT. . . I have a feeling that the urgency to write the book now, may have something to do with a desire to put his name on the practice asap. . . . so he is the 'official founder'. . . .as one cannot copyright a method of working with a wild animal.


I DO believe that what he is doing is interesting and worthwhile. But I think, from what he has posted on here (including exerts from his book so far), he will end up writing a much lesser work by trying to get it done now now now!!!!

Lol.. I'm not interested in a lengthy argument.......I just dipped in & found your lengthy post about why a complete stranger shouldn't write a book he wants to write......you obviously feel more strongly about it than me........I'm more, live & let live.....no worries :-)

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I honestly think he does not really comprehend the strength of loathing in this country towards the mink.




That right there is one of the reasons people here got their back up with him in the first place, if not THE reason. He misguidedly started a thread about the damage mink have done here, then proceeded to tell us we were wrong about them and we didn't know what we were talking about. They never took nesting birds eggs or birds, he had videos of his mink to prove it. HE was the authority on all things mink and we were making assumptions and blaming them because we don't look after our habitats properly.


I just watched the silver fox video. I am no biologist or animal genesist or whatever them chaps are but from the outside looking in. . . . .


If after 50years they are still only getting 1% of fox cubs that are not aggressive then surely this proves that it ISNT genetic???


Also the alterations in the foxes of getting shorter legs and tails than their wild counterpart, surely this is down to 7previous generations being raised in a 3ft square cage? Hence no need for long legs for running and digging etc and no need for a long tail for balance? And a dull coat is no longer needed for camoflauge hence the colour changes? Is this not just evolution, not domestication???


I am probably wrong because like i said im not a scientist im a sparky but thats just what i thought.


Think the 1% only applied to the first foxes they bred from. :hmm:

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Loathing? I hunted foxes, but I knew people who tamed & kept them as pets, loathing never came into it...


WTF has hunting foxes got to do with writing a book about mink. Sorry you have lost me there. The fox is an indigenous species in this country, not an alian invader that does not fit into the ecosystem.




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Loathing? I hunted foxes, but I knew people who tamed & kept them as pets, loathing never came into it...


WTF has hunting foxes got to do with writing a book about mink. Sorry you have lost me there. The fox is an indigenous species in this country, not an alian invader that does not fit into the ecosystem.



You mentioned loathing in relation to a pest species, so are you saying people can't relate to a person training a mink cos it's an invasive pest species? Well foxes are a loathed pest species......invasive or not....doesn't matter...

But do you really care? Cos I don't lol

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The chap had an idea and ran with it, nowt wrong with that. To be honest I have been thinking about it this afternoon and the only differance I can see between his way of hunting with mink and falconry, is the romance of the hooked beak and the fact that the mink is an alian species to our shores. Both disiplines use the natural abilities of the animals, but without really taming them.


I could see that within any country that has a natural mink population people would try what he has done. As there would not be the resentment to a destructive alian preditor that there is in this country.


I honestly think he does not really comprehend the strength of loathing in this country towards the mink.



Loathing? I hunted foxes, but I knew people who tamed & kept them as pets, loathing never came into it...


What part of the above quote underlined did you not understand? I stated that the loathing for mink far excedes a dislike for any other preditor as it is an invasive species.



Edited by tiercel
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The chap had an idea and ran with it, nowt wrong with that. To be honest I have been thinking about it this afternoon and the only differance I can see between his way of hunting with mink and falconry, is the romance of the hooked beak and the fact that the mink is an alian species to our shores. Both disiplines use the natural abilities of the animals, but without really taming them.


I could see that within any country that has a natural mink population people would try what he has done. As there would not be the resentment to a destructive alian preditor that there is in this country.


I honestly think he does not really comprehend the strength of loathing in this country towards the mink.





Loathing? I hunted foxes, but I knew people who tamed & kept them as pets, loathing never came into it...

What part of the above quote underlined did you not understand? I stated that the loathing for mink far excedes a dislike for any other preditor. TC


I only read the last line.....lol..........I skim sometimes.....lol

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