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Newbie To Newbies Advice Please Read It Will Save You Hassle!!!!

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Hi all just gonna go out on a whim here as i have seen this problem arise time and time again not just on here but a few other forums im a member of


i hope this doesnt offend anyone its just some advice so either use it or discard it your choice


i cannot stress this enough if you have just joined please please do not head straight over to the opportunities area and start offering your shooting services or requiring permissions. you are only gonna get hounded plus the chances are slim to none all it is actually doing is clogging up the threads and wasting moderators time as they have to check your first few posts.


my advice would be ask to tag along help carry gear bags or whatever this will give the permission holders a chance to get to know your personality remember even a sub 12 ft lbs air rifle is still a leathal weapon so to expect someone to say over a thread " hey yea pop over to my farm i know you could be an absolute maniac and my wife and kids will around but ill take my chances"

if you are gonna offer shooting services use gumtree or friday ad its free so the most ya lose is 10 mins of ya time.


next visit farms,barns, golf courses, and knock doors yes i know youve heard it but it works and shows commitment also get yourself insured Basc or something along them lines im sure theres plenty of nice chaps on here which would help you on here and you would receive a much warmer introduction, fill out ya profile dont be shy or secretive, business cards if ya willing to spend x amounts on a decent hunting setup a few hundred business cards shouldnt set you back much 15£ at the most and also looks good to potential permissions plus you can always leave a few to pass on and last but not least be PATIENT the best hings come to those who wait


anyways hope i aint dragged on too much just my 2 bob if theres any advice ive missed lads feel free to add to it good luck

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yea of course what time do you want me to pick you up? remember its gonna take me at least 5 hours so allow for travel mate also have you any proper references other than owning your own pest control company im a bit fussy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well said, I must say i was one of those newbies that posted almost immediatly after joining, and if it wasn't for a certain mod i probably would of had my balls busted :) I took a few days to get my BASC membership and Insurance and now i have 4 perms with a lot more coming up in a town about a hour drives away, thats commitment :) (Just so happens a friend of mine i ain't spoke to in years game keeps there :) But yes guys please listen the advice does work, I find it best to ring and introduce your self over the phone then if they are interested to say you more than willing to go meet them up the house to talk it over (Go to them not them come to you), If that fails say you will meet them at the pub first pint on you :p

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Yeah i will get some proper time out on my grounds when this damn rain and wind buggers off for just one night. Need to get up on my perms at last light to, so i can zero for 33 yrds cause at the moment im only down for 15 meters and thats no good to be honest

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This is very good advice. I myself, relatively new here, did the hard work to get permissions as a new shooter, something quite difficult, especially if you need a permission as evidence to help get an FAC, but landowners will not give permission if you don't have the firearms to do the job. It's a chicken and egg situation, but I suppose it helps keep firearms out of reach of those who aren't committed to hunting.

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