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Vets A Rip Off And I Don't Think He Has A Clue

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Well as above they cost a fortune and took me pup today as she ain't eaten nothing for 2 days hardly drinking came home with some paste a couple of tablets and more bland food and she seems worse sticking up little bit of blood now in her sick going for second opinion in the morning I think

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can get you feeling like that at times,you take the pup to vet few tablets whatever and you kind of feel that you should get instant results,took mine few months back had a good chat like you do but i remember him saying at the time they dont like to go full on straight away with treatment ie large dose of antibiotics etc,anyway like you just got paste and tablets but within 24 hours she came good.

in saying that never anything wrong with getting a second opinion,atb with it :thumbs:

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If you don't have faith in your vet your in a no win situation get a second opinion from another vet(hopefully someone on here knows one close to you?) it's not going to work of you don't trust the vet with your dogs health mate, they have a huge general knowledge of all animals try get a specialist running or dog vet mate.

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your vet will be no different to your GP they see a huge amount of the same symptoms that can be caused by an equal amount of things. stomach upsets in pups is one of them, could be anything from a blockage to a simple inflammation of the lining, the simple answer is there is no simple answer. the standard cause of action is to treat the symptoms and see what happens unless there is an established outbreak of something within the area. if the symptoms persist then further investigation will be required. if he did all these test that are very expensive and it turns out to be nothing more than a twenty four hour bug then he might get called for ripping people off :hmm:

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