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Lets Let The Antis Win

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Stig; Seriously mate ..... It's just a petition run by anti's, on an anti site. It's a crowd pleaser for their own crowd.   You'd might as well offer a petition to a mosque, asking for support for t

Pete, if that's the case think how much it'll grind their gears getting so many unfavourable votes in their own back yard! HAHA, if nothing else it'll spite the fuckers!

I'll be honest, I give up voting on these type of things ages ago, it won't make a blind bit of difference. Would any mounted hunt be arsed about a return to a full range of quarry for lurchers?.....

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Mods, is it not possible to send out a global pm to every member on here with a link that stig has put up to get a vote in?


It would be great to hit them with a couple of thousand votes :yes: especially in their own back yard.


Wilf know what you mean nothing ever seems to come of these but it's always satisfying to wind up these tree huggers

glyn started it and he was`nt getting any support --so i thought i`d try and add a bit of weight to it and try and push it --i`ve got to say i`m supprised at the lack of response from a hunting site ....


stig i voted but didnt put up i had maybe more did but still poor

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Mods, is it not possible to send out a global pm to every member on here with a link that stig has put up to get a vote in?


It would be great to hit them with a couple of thousand votes :yes: especially in their own back yard.


Wilf know what you mean nothing ever seems to come of these but it's always satisfying to wind up these tree huggers

glyn started it and he was`nt getting any support --so i thought i`d try and add a bit of weight to it and try and push it --i`ve got to say i`m supprised at the lack of response from a hunting site ....


just shows there not that many hunters on here,

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Petes right anti site but voted any way.



Sorry, lads. Obviously, I clicked the button too. I wasn't suggesting any of us shouldn't do. Only pointing out that it means nothing to anyone.


Only those of a 'traditional left wing persuasion' will follow that site. They'll hear only the chattering of their own kind. And, what ever number of votes they see from us? They'll put a positive, for them, spin on it. Less? We're weak. Majority? We've cheated.


What does it f**king matter? It's only Their opinions. And nothing We can do or say will ever change those.



I suggest a different approach. That of the Ninja :ninja: ..... Spread discord and confusion amongst their ranks.


Let's get Born Hunter to flash his photo's up, on there. Boldly stating that he likes a spot murdering small, furry, wild animals. And eats them.


Imagine the chaos when, all across the lands, pubescent young girls start slamming down their forks at the dinner table. Refusing to eat their lettuce. And demanding a feast of rabbit; Like their newest heart throb has! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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done ive just spent the last half hour reading through some of there wild posts i was pissing myself laughing at some of them

Voted.But the last thing I was doing was pissing myself at their comments.These are the people who took away our sport,there laughing loudest.Not having a dig but this is how most of jo public thinks...

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I suggest a different approach. That of the Ninja :ninja: ..... Spread discord and confusion amongst their ranks.


Let's get Born Hunter to flash his photo's up, on there. Boldly stating that he likes a spot murdering small, furry, wild animals. And eats them.


Imagine the chaos when, all across the lands, pubescent young girls start slamming down their forks at the dinner table. Refusing to eat their lettuce. And demanding a feast of rabbit; Like their newest heart throb has! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



Pete, I couldn't agree more............. I am a heart throb! :D

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I suggest a different approach. That of the Ninja :ninja: ..... Spread discord and confusion amongst their ranks.


Let's get Born Hunter to flash his photo's up, on there. Boldly stating that he likes a spot murdering small, furry, wild animals. And eats them.


Imagine the chaos when, all across the lands, pubescent young girls start slamming down their forks at the dinner table. Refusing to eat their lettuce. And demanding a feast of rabbit; Like their newest heart throb has! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



Pete, I couldn't agree more............. I am a heart throb! :D



Next pics you put up make sure you dress like Pete :laugh:

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Memory is a bit fuzzy but I can mind being at a meeting, think it was the Waterloo cup, can't mind. Anyhow, it was before the ban and someone was handing out flyers about voting on the ban. 2 phone numbers, one yes one no. Someone told me the numbers were round the wrong way, if you phoned no it was the yes vote. Anyone remember this and was it the Waterloo cup, my memories shite :laugh:

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