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Coursing Hares In New Mexico

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Few pics from this season hunting in the desert     hope you like

there you go

Not our usual quarry lol


Have you had an antilope jackrabbit yet dirtwinger?

They are rare some over in Arizona but I have never seen one.


Thank you so much for putting those videos up. I'm interested to hear how the coyotes get involved. Do the birds get injured when the dogs are running coyotes and they try to get in on the action? I'd have thought the bird would have held off if a coyote is the target. Or does it happen differently: accidently bumping into a coyote? Love to hear more details.

The coyotes know I am hunting hares and want to rob the bird if they get a chance. If the dogs are at the kill with the bird then all is good but if the dogs come back to me the falcon is vunerable on the kill if coyotes spot the action. That is what happened to the falcon she was on her own and didnt get out of the way of the coyotes fast enough. I mainly course along the edge of the city and the urban coyotes have little fear of humans. Just recently there have been attacks by coyotes in Denver on adult humans, and a young woman in Canada was killed while hiking in a park by coyotes. going to have to start packing in the field I think.


Thanks for the explanation. Yes, a gun might be handy in those situations.

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On the video,,, the two dogs had coats on ,,,one was yellow one was pink ,,,, don't you remember putting them on,,,lol

Oh that! My mate puts coursing vests on his dogs sometimes so he can see them better at a distance. They use them here at coursing meets to differentiate the dogs, they are very light and lycra.

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What's the story on the coyote in the last pic?

Put that one in for a laugh, he tried to rob the bird on the kill and my mate shot him then bird thought he might be edible. We ended up feeding it to a friends eagle. My dogs will chase coyotes and tackle them but they just arent hard enough to take them down. My mate I hunt with got a very fast young coldblood stag bitch to take on interfering coyotes. She has been a disaster magnet though and was very sick for a while then injured herself. The bitch is finally back in the field again but has yet to see a coyote.

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