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Harris Hawk

welsh hunter

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get a mentor and learn from them, to many conflicting ideas and practices on the net and in books , youll end up with your head messed up...

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This might sound strange, but I wouldn't go near a forum like the IFF until you've been hawking for a while........I first looked at the IFF about 5 years after I started hawking, by that point I knew my own mind, so I wasn't swayed by all the condescending, egotistical bullshit on there..........

Find someone good to help & read hollinshead. Good luck

Edited by Accip74
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was advised to get 'Understanding Birds of Prey' by Nick Fox. Has pretty much all you need to know! That combined with reading on the net will fill your head with allsorts of ideas, I think the BEST information I gained was a dairy of a young chap on here with his first harris hawk and it is an AWESOME read! Made my mind up in which direction I wanted to go and and some of the drawbacks involved. Give it a read! Also, scout about for local falconry clubs to get in with a crowd!


Good luck :victory:

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Lol........I did too & found out everyone was training their harris in the same way as one of the 'top bods' in the club.......it was a f*cking weird method, it involved handling the bird every day with welding glove's for several weeks, madness!..........I realised clubs aren't for me lol

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did you not also learn that its ok to keep huge numbers of birds and too breed them and sell them as hunti9ng birds even though he too busy with work to get em out hunting, oh and the old peach 'hares are rare' oh the good old BFC still providing top class sport and venues for the chosen few :laugh: :laugh: sod waiting in order to slip on a rabbit , Id rather go me own way and actually get some hawking done as opposed to that scenario :victory:

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  On 29/01/2014 at 08:03, arcticgun said:

did you not also learn that its ok to keep huge numbers of birds and too breed them and sell them as hunti9ng birds even though he too busy with work to get em out hunting, oh and the old peach 'hares are rare' oh the good old BFC still providing top class sport and venues for the chosen few :laugh: :laugh: sod waiting in order to slip on a rabbit , Id rather go me own way and actually get some hawking done as opposed to that scenario :victory:

bagged pigeon club :laugh: then there was the red Indian who turned out to be a peado :icon_eek:

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