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i am saving up for a new gun.


Shall i buy a springer or a pcp?


which is best for rabbiting?


what is better for a young person like me?


and something fairley cheap because my parent wont give me any money!!!


i was budgeting around £300-£350 for a gun, scope and if a pcp a pump


thanks charlie

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better look second hand then. A pump is £100-£130 depending on 3 or 4 stage.


Cheap scope will be £50 at least...


That would leave ou £200 for a PCP....... possible but hard!


Go for a springer, put the pump money into a better scope or better rifle.


Don't forget you need a gun slip!!!!

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a good spring gun .second hand you could get good one cheap,off of some idiot UP GRADING to a pcp. Spring guns are great no messing pumping and filling ,power curve ,leaking o rings , ect .Spring guns tend to work always .A spring gun can be abused a lot more . The only thing wrong with a spring gun over a pcp is a good spring gun will be a little heavy and a little noisier .If I had to live on a desert island with one gun only I would get a 97k 177 basic , reliable and accurate .I have pcp ssp co2 and spring guns 22 and 177 .

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if it was me i would be buying a hw95k plenty out their second hand and £250 ish will buy you a good gun and scope and a sleeve .


if you want new have a look at the hw85

both guns are light and as many many shooters will say your better to hone your skills on a springer .


i wouldnt go for a pcp just yet theirs far more fun to be had with a springer i find and once you have mastered a spring gun you can shoot anything

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Unless Gamo have changed their designs recently, you'll find the Gamo trigger is absolute crap. It's easy enough to modify though, if you don't mind a bit of tinkering. Takes a few minutes. You just need to remove the false first stage (provided by a spring and a plastic roller) and insert a small washer over one of the assembly pins inside the trigger assembly to improve the rifle by a mile. Let me know if you need further info on that.

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