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registration to The Working Earthdog

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its a good site leave it be :D .some people on there now that shouldnt be imho lots on there join and post nothing.some dont even work terriers.

i do hope mr1 coffs up what evers needed to please chei :D f. would be interesting.

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I emailed the administrator Chief and the arse hole didnt have the manners to reply, Chief, apologies if you didnt get my email request, if you did, I will stick to my original comments, cannot understand why you wouldnt want another genuine member, may be my big mouth f**ked me up or there are lies on the site me and Frank will comment on!

I answered a PM you sent on this site saying what was required to be considered for membership on The Working Earthdog . It seems you did'nt get it , don't know why .....


Anyway , you should have read this thread on the forenamed site before emailing :




If you can't provide what is needed you won't get answered as the above thread just about says .


It does'nt matter to me how big your mouth is or how much waste product comes out of it , you also should'nt be barred from joining even if you do suffer from schizophrenia / split personality syndrome ...... We are a very broad church there . Where you are no different to any other person though is the fact you must hit the requirements stated in the above link even to be considered for membership by the Moderating team , no matter how genuine you think you maybe .


I hope this explains things to you as it seems the PM containing the information has gone westwards somewhere .


I do not accept your apology but it won't hinder your membership application if you can provide what is needed .



Schizophrenia was never a hinderance to me on this site!!!!!

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I've heard you've got to be real famous to join.M.R1 maybe if you've wrote a book or been wrote about in a book like lets say TERRIER's and TERRIERMAN by J BROADHURST you might have more chance of getting accepted.I've no chance then again my name did appear in courtfile in the local paper once. :thumbs:

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I've heard you've got to be real famous to join.M.R1 maybe if you've wrote a book or been wrote about in a book like lets say TERRIER's and TERRIERMAN by J BROADHURST you might have more chance of getting accepted.I've no chance then again my name did appear in courtfile in the local paper once. :thumbs:


Your lass will have no problem Burnie...i know she's made quite a name for herself with those bullcross DVD's!!!

"Ginger-rides-scouse"....lol..... :boxing::D:D JD

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