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Ferret/ Dogs Stolen? Read This

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Just shows how easy it is to be taken in by people on the forums,,, I'm an easy going chap and could proberbly be an easy target,, cos I usually try to see the good in folk,,, but this reminds me to h

the trouble is its easy to steal off your own most hunting lads welcome other hunting lads into their circle not to necasserally take them out but to have a chat and a bit of banter all it takes is

I must be older than I thought as I remember a time you could trust fellow fieldsport's men with your life let alone your stock.   very sad if its proven they stole off their own (fellow hunters)

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Guest alcapone

Well I'm curious to see what happens to him now......all the men that say they will break legs blah blah blah,will we see another paper cutting in the near future saying "man put in hospital in critical state"?? I doubt it!! This isd why dog thieves are allowed to carry on as they do,they get named and will stay in the game eyeing up more dogs/ferrets or whatever. Don't get me wrong here,I'm glad to here him caught but I'd liker to see the boys that come on here saying they would do this that and the other ACTUALLY do something. Attempted theft of dogs happened near us last year,travellers were to blame as they were stopped by police and let go as they didn't have the dogs on them,they had let them loose,all 3 dogs were returned,however,the following week numerous coloured ponies were slashed and a note sprayed on the road stateing HORSE SLASHING STOPS WHEN DOG THEFT STOPS! No dog thefts from that day til this. I'm not saying that's the thing do do as I'm certainly not,but what I'm saying is these men took action!

Edited by alcapone
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i'm not going to talk about retribution on an open forum, but if somebody could put pictures of these c##ts up aat least folks could be on their guard, point them out if they turn up at shows etc?

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Guest alcapone

A bit extreme slashing an innocent horse,,, there's no dowt these dog thieves need a kicking

TOMO as I said I don't condone it but what I'm saying is these man had had enough. Too many times nothing is done,slashing the dog thieves would be fair in my opinion. And I'm not saying all travelers are dog thieves,but that was the case in this instance.
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people simply have to much to loose, ie freedom, so most the threats hot air at the end of the day, the sort of person who would actually do something, certainly wont advertise the fact on here, more likely to just simply go do it and forget about it. These snide dog thieve types would grass you soon as they could speak or write again, if they low enough to steal dogs then they low enough to be a grass end of story, so retributuion should it be served should be left to the law or those whom simply just act instead of talking, don't get me wrong I would love to see em all hung as its the one of the lowest things anyone can do to another

naming and shaming well that's another story and maybe just maybe someone will :whistling:

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