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Hunting In Spain

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Hunting in Spain can be expensive, cheap or fair priced. It realy is a matter of good outfitter searching, accomodation requirements, kind of hunt you want (trophy or not, traditional, luxurious,...). I guess it's the same in every country with great hunting tradition.

If it helps, it is also expensive for a Spaniard to go stalking a buck deer or a bull Spanish Ibex (of course if they are trophies the prices go extremely high), but that is a problem with a veeeery long story behind, and not only outfitters are to blame. Land owners, town halls (yes, in Spain there are many villages who sell their permits through public auction where they reach really absurd high prices which outfitters have to pay if they want them), and of course tricksters who today are trading hunts and tomorrow are trading cars or whatever they find profitable.

I myself prefer a good hunt among friends and really don't care for trophies or huge amounts of game meat which lowers prices a lot, but then again, I live here and obviously it is much easier for me.

I do understand though that there are hunters who want other things and want to pay big money for them.

Anyway, I guess the best way to know is by contacting the outfitter and value what they offer (not only this one).


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I run a small hunting and birdwatching business so I usually get paid for stuff like this, but since money is not the most important thing in life, everything is possible!!


Problem is I have little time to travel, so swapping wouldn't be that easy.


Contact me if you are coming to Northern Spain if you want. I'll be glad to show you my hunting places or help you find something cool to do outdoors.



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