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Many Thanks Lofti

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over the years vin,,on tex book nites early in the season,, when the ground his dryish, and you can sit down,,,ive add 10 mins with the dog,, and not add a care in the world, hits a feeling most normal working chaps will never experience, totally at peace....

Jim I sit down most nights/days I'm out and have those moments... I cannot explain it in words.. . but its what makes me drag myself out of a warm bed at daft o clock to drive hundreds of miles to do it..

Sit down most nights,,,, I fecking new it,,



Says the man who shits more than a dog fed on Chappy.

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good to hear that tjones ,,I think the mixi have hit most of us hard. what is a real shame but you just have to make the most of it

and hope for the best.. that's me two best thing lamping and ferreting cant beat being out with the dogs :yahoo:

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  • 2 weeks later...
long time no see lang,,,,hope your fit and well,,and no dowt gyp,, his still doing his job,,, :victory:he add a small bag tonite mite put a post later,,,,[/quote


I'm well cheers Jim,,hope your well too, yeah still doing abit with gyp but he's been lacking abit of form just of late, so maybe he could be injured, but got him booked in next week to be checked out on the ultra sound,,so we shall see what that brings. It will be time for another runner this year as old gyp has turned 7 year old

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