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It Aint Raining..... And Theres Rabbits!!!

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"forget Sunday Kev, it's a wash out".... "OK"....... " we're gonna go Saturday instead"......I come off the phone from sean and look on the weather report, he's right Sunday rain all day.... Saturday rain until 11-30.. starting again at 12.. lovely :D


I reach the top of Haldon Hill on Sunday morning and the wipers are going full blast, oh the joys of ferreting, I've even taken a floatation suit with me ffs.... But by Ivybridge it was no more than drizzle, and on meeting Sean, Sam and Kelly inside the gates, it had stopped....

First bit of bad news for the day was Dave ( the land manager) had to run off as a bunch of morons had trashed some diggers, dumpers etc on another bit of land... they were lucky not to kill themselves by the sounds of it..So the big hedge we had intended to do was left for Daves return, he didnt want to miss the action :laugh:

We headed to the top of the farm to try a few smaller hedges, these should be easy enough and in no time longnets, pokes and stops were set... in went a good handful of ferrets and we were off, it didnt take long and it was good constant action, by 9-30 we had 8 in the bag, we picked the nets up and moved to the next section... same set up, apart from a bolt hole Sean had spotted " I like the look of that one"... so he chucked a purse over it... well he was right, 2 rabbits came from his glory hole, and another 4 on the other side... we were up to 14 and it was going well. the ferrets were working well now, and the young jills had started to really push on... the old hobs were their normal steady selves, I spotted one rabbit trying to back out, it had been nailed by the hob and he didn't want to let go.

We really wanted to start the bottom hedge now, but Dave still wasnt back so we carried on on the next hedge along, same set up plus a few purse nets on a large ground bury which joined the bottom of the hedge...

Now for this place this one was slow going, Dave arrived as we were halfway along it, he'd only just got his wellie on when a rabbit bolted about 50 yrds away " GET ON DAVE"... went up the cry and he was off, a little gentle encouragement always helps on a 50 yrd dash :laugh:

Sam and Kelly were getting bored on the other side, so to save a cuddlethon, we had a bit of lunch... well new years eves profiteroles, full of sugar and with Dave joining the party we decided we had to hit a bit of the hallowed hedge...

Luckily it's sectioned up by gates, dykes etc.. so the first bit was nmanageble even though it was now getting on a bit.... nets on, ferrets in and 1 second later out comes the first, followed closely by number 2, they flew out of this hedge, I think we'd had about 14 or so before the ferrets started to show more frequently, we boxed up 3 and 3 were still in, about 20 mins later out came another 1 with a very bald ass, followed by my jill covered in its ass fur :laugh:

There was only 1 left in Sam's dark Jill, Sam got a solid mark not too deep but what a lovely place, under some roots on top of and old stone wall..... now the next bit took Sam, Kely and me back a bit... up piped Sean " I'll get the spade".... :icon_eek: and then he started to dig, wtf the cameraman was digging :toast::tongue2::laugh: ..... The ferret came away and had obviously killed in so Sean kept going, like a mechanical digger... about 1ft in he was spent, shaking, sweating and needing a sit down and coffe... :laugh: ... we couldnt find the rabbit, but it was still a great day and we ended on 33...


Oh and Sam got revenge for my ferret nailing him a few weeks back, I've been reliably informed he had been tormenting his dark jill with my photograph for the past 2 weeks, his agravating had paid off handsomely when the revved up stinker nailed me good and proper... 1-1 mate :laugh:


Again thanks to Sean, Sam and Kelly for having me down and to Dave for having us on, top day in good company.... :thumbs:







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