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Night Vision Scope

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I'm after some advice on night vision. I've decided it's the best way to go for the land I'm shooting at the moment I've a budget of £1000. Needs to go out to 150 / 200 yards if poss. If I sound like a dick. I'm sorry. I have no experiance of night vision and what I've read there's not much to see about range. Thanks

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Depends some night visions will see out to 200 yards easy but try to see the difference between a dog and a fox and this is the issue also you want to be able to see the fox coming from some distance away imo to get the best chance of a shot otherwise it can be on top of you before you see it.



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You say it needs to go out to 150 / 200 yrds is that to spot or shoot ? also what rifle is it for ?

just to spot I think. It's for 17hmr and 243


So i take it you are wanting to spot at 150/200 yards and call the fox into a shooting range ie: 100yrds, if this is the case most NV at the price you quoted will give you eye shine and more at them distances, if you are confident to shoot at around the 100 yard mark there is a lot on the market, 1st you need to decide what you want, a dedicated scope or an add-on, then decide if you want digital or tube unit.

If you go down the add-on route you will need a scope with side parallax something like a 4-18x56 also a DSA to attach the add-on to the scope (cost around £80 to £110)

you will need a good ir illuminator (cost around £80 to £300)

Gen 3 add-on cost around £1000 to £2500........ Dedicated scope around £2000 to £5000+

Gen 2 add-on cost around £600 to £1200...........Dedicated scope around £500 to £3000+

Digital add-on cost around £150 to £1500...........Dedicated scope around £500 to £3000+

This is just a rough idea to what it could cost :thumbs:

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You do not need to spend a fortune I tried most of the dedicated n/v scopes gen 1 - gen 3 , gen 1 seem to be best for clarity in the price range , with better distance & recognition than digital scopes.

The Russian do the best lenses by far, but can be ugly things..but who cares !! Its dark :laugh:


Dipol , & vomz do the best light enchantment scopes with no added infa red. With add infa red lamp & a good cared for gen 1 will give you 60/80 yard on rabbit size mammals & 100/150 yds recognition for a target on fox size mamals.


You can see them a lot further visually by retina beam, in the scope but its not until they/ you get within 200yds you can detect the quarry. like anything else with a firearm use, it experience to use them.


If you go up to gen 3 you can see a different quality again, is it worth £2000+ extra, in my opinion NO !

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