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An Auction, A Bodger, A Badger, A Nun, A Veggie And Seanc

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So last Tuesday saw SeanC and I embark on the most surreal ferreting trip I think either of us has ever undertaken.


To set the scene cast your mind back to the week before Christmas; I had rung Sean to tell him that I was on my way to a charity auction at my local, where I had entered a days ferreting as one of the lots. I say my local but this would more accurately be described as a place where I drink semi-regularly. As a result I was nervous about how this lot would go down, having volunteered it one night when I had definitely had too many. Sean had offered no words of encouragement, so I headed in to see what would be made of our offering.


My initial reaction on seeing the bidders was that I had seriously misjudged the situation!! My lot was preceded by things like a ‘bottle of wine’, ‘a jubilee spoon’ and a ‘half stack of logs’. In short I was shitting myself in anticipation of what would happen when ‘a days Ferreting’ came up. Everything had sold well and the moment I dreaded arrived…..the auctioneer announced the lot and asked for a starting bid………..silence…………..more silence…………oh bugger. Out of nowhere there was a bid “£10”……then some one else, “£20”, then another, “£30”. The bidding ended up at £50, which I thought was a bit of a result. This is when our upcoming trip started to get weird. It transpired that the two women who had won the lot, didn’t know what ferreting actually entailed. The rest of the locals informed me that one was a veggie and the other a Nun!!! I introduced myself and said that I would cover the lot if they didn’t want to participate. They assured me that they were up for it and we set a date.


As you can imagine, when I delivered the news to Sean about our new ferreting partners, much piss taking ensued and I couldn’t help but think what the F*$k had I got us into this time?!!


The day of the outing arrived; Sean and I made our way to the rendezvous point to meet with our unconventional ferreting partners. They did not disappoint. When I pointed them out to Sean in the car park of the supermarket where we had agreed to meet I am pretty sure he thought I was taking the piss. He was wrong. I told them to follow us and we made our way to a farm where Sean had lined up an easy hedge for us to demonstrate ferreting 101. The aim of the game today was to bolt a couple of bunnies to give the ladies an idea of what ferreting is about, without exposing them to a blood bath.


We started by introducing them to the ferrets. I got my friendliest jill out off the box for them to hold, but quickly had to take her back when I realised that one of them had rabbit hat on! A ferret earring would not have been a good way to start the day!!


Sean and I quickly ran out the long nets before entering the ferrets. Our new ferreting pals got quite overexcited every time a ferret appeared from a hole and I began to fear that all the noise they were making would scupper any chance at all of us bolting a rabbit. To my surprise a rabbit bolted fairly quickly. As you can imagine this caused quite a stir but to give our new friends their due, they were interested and impressed with how quick and efficiently a rabbit can be dispatched.


After much cackling and much banter we bolted the second and final rabbit from the small hedge. Again our companions showed much interest and were stoked with their auction bid. Sean took the obligatory photos and we packed up ready to hit the pub. Before we departed Sean asked the ladies what they did for a living…it turned out that the guys in the pub had been somewhat economical with the truth with regard to their occupations. It turned out that one was tour guide and charity worker, and the other a Gardner. Relief turned to disappointment upon the realisation that this right up wasn’t going to be as funny, until one of them announced that they were the co author of Bodger and Badger, and that she had played the voice of Mousie in that TV series.


The moral of this story, never judge a book by its cover – whilst being definitely one of the weirdest days ferreting I have ever had, it was also one of the most memorable. Good times, interesting people and £50 for Help for Heroes.


Enjoy some of SeanC’s Phots…





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Ffs Sam, I laughed earlier when you told me the story, but f**k me add the pics and it's even better....lol


Nice one lads...... I still reckon the 2 old girls would've done more work than Sean though lol

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