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Thatcher.......even More Lies

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  On 04/01/2014 at 14:54, maxhardcore said:

Those who lost out Firstly due to Thatchers class Hatred and secondly to Scargills latter stupidity

We're the Best of Men this Isle had.

Proper Stand up Men and their Family's

Thatcher was a self serving pompous c**t make no mistake look at her funeral last yr 10 mill on taxpayers tab fooking discraceful

Why did her family not cover the cost from the Family's I'll gotton gains

It's shows how good her judgment was when she and Dennis had SoVile as there longtime best pal

A horrid discraceful family to the core.

Thatcher and family had stated she did NOT want a state funeral and that the tax payer should NOT foot the bill


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She may have saved the Southern half of the country. But certainly fcuked the Northern half up good and proper.

Virtually 30 years on and still my area(and surrounding) are not over the pit closures. Very far from it in fact. Stick a few factory units up and employ a couple of dozen folk then ship out and say"

No, she saved it !

  On 04/01/2014 at 00:04, stabba said:

Virtually 30 years on and still my area(and surrounding) are not over the pit closures. Very far from it in fact. Stick a few factory units up and employ a couple of dozen folk then ship out and say" yeah thats that area sorted". Its a joke and not a very funny one. This area had 1 and 1 only asset to rely on and that was coal mining. As Wilf said earlier in the thread.. Look what the North achieved (car manafacture). Sadly nowhere near my area so no benefit from that to be seen here. This area is as run down as it was in 1985 straight after the pit closures. Sadly some area's just get forgotten and my area seems to be one of these. Hats off to the area's that climbed out of the douldrum's. Easy to say forget about it. Some things just don't go away so it's very hard to forget about what stare's you in the face everyday.

Dirty Jew loving, red mofo :laugh: :laugh:


What can I say to that a very honest post Stabbatha and correct but as already said the alternative was a lot worse if they hadn't held up and followed idiots they would of come out better the Unions were the Issue and the state the fuuckin 70's Labour left the country in :thumbs:

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I listened to john redwood on radio 2 who was Maggie's right hand man at the time and he more or less admitted that she had a manic hatred of the miners and would do anything to make sure she crushed them ... My valley never recovered from the mine closures and neither did my parents ... Every penny they worked hard to save was gone and me and my brothers ended up having fukc all when we were growing up unlike thatcher and her like who were rolling in it ... She was an evil old fukcing hoar that ruined thousands of lives ............

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  On 04/01/2014 at 09:15, baw said:


  On 04/01/2014 at 02:03, neil82 said:

you all blab on about how she ruined mining and car making in this country, you all need to think back and realise that back then that the cars BL produced were shite, no question, utter shite, and the mining industry and their unions thought that they run the country and thought they had everyone by the bollocks, 3 day weeks and power cuts are still in my memory, the unions needed their arse kicked big style and they got it, by sticking to the stupid pay demands that at the end of the day could not be afforded they got told to do one, as to coal, its still underground here, when the time comes when all other areas have a shortage we`ll have our own reserve

Spot on. The unions f****d it. Same thing was happening at grangemouth refinery before Christmas. Union acting the big shot calling the workers to strike over pensions. Company said accept the contract or we will close the plant. Unions, we ain't taking your contract. Company, ok, plants closed your all out of a job, bye. Next day unions back cap in hand, please sir, can we sign the contract and get our jobs back please :yes: the problem is folk think the world owes them a living. If towns are built up around failed industries like the steel works and mines, that is no ones fault, shit happens. You need to go out there and find work. That's what's wrong with this country, all doom and gloom cos there ain't no local work a stones throw from your house. Look at the poles etc, they go to foreign countries to find work, usually work our guys are too soft to do. Don't see them bleating on about it 30 odd f*****g years later.
. Its thick spineless twats like you that perpetuate the mythe of the lazy brit listern shit for brains. This country has and all ways will have. People that. Work the system. , it all so has and allways will have Engineers , designers , inovators , that the world envy we produce top end product So next time you want to salivate over the dregs of europe feel free to join them. In their low life exsistance this nation lost thousands of brave young men to liberate in two world wars Then again when lecks union needed support are workers stood by them. Now the very same nation invades are country. And dick heads like you. Think there some super work force. Fook you are one brain dead tosser Edited by gonetoearth
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  On 04/01/2014 at 16:04, socks said:

I listened to john redwood on radio 2 who was Maggie's right hand man at the time and he more or less admitted that she had a manic hatred of the miners and would do anything to make sure she crushed them ... My valley never recovered from the mine closures and neither did my parents ... Every penny they worked hard to save was gone and me and my brothers ended up having fukc all when we were growing up unlike thatcher and her like who were rolling in it ... She was an evil old fukcing hoar that ruined thousands of lives ............

. Far worse she created an under class that think its ok to exsist on benifit , her hatred of a once proud workforce and its dimise sent shock wave through every industrie that exsited along side it , the daughter of a shop keeper Who run this country like a shop lol. Am sorry but my hatred for her and her ideals will never wayne
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  On 04/01/2014 at 14:46, WILF said:


  On 04/01/2014 at 11:53, maxhardcore said:

Yes but it won't be the Men of the North East mineing it in there hundreds or thousands

Those seams went out 6 miles under the North Sea from Blackhall' Horden'Easington'Seaham ect

That coal could of kept Power Stations going providing jobs and Power-heating-lighting ect for 300 yrs ?

There could be a thousand years worth of coal but if unions make it too expensive to get out of the ground them its gonna stay where it is, that's the long and short of it.

. Wilf the coal beaneath this island is not your loose shite we import that needs to be thickened with water to burn its grade a anthrosite , the uninions just gave her the amo she needed the cheap columbian coal. We now import. Was cheaper why because untrained kids. And cheap labour mine it from open cast mines. Super bulk carriers bring it in wilf these company's are owed by the same familys that owend The industries that made this country a world power labour just became to expensive and they. Invested abroad. The nations coal industrie could. Have compeated but thatcher wanted a name. She got it. Theres a lot more to it than thatcher v scargill beleave me
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  On 04/01/2014 at 20:55, neil82 said:

`if it me your referring to as a `thick spineless twat` then you want to try reading what you`ve posted and do a bit of editing

. You need to read it to see who am calling a thick spineless twat first it aint you
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  On 04/01/2014 at 02:03, neil82 said:

you all blab on about how she ruined mining and car making in this country, you all need to think back and realise that back then that the cars BL produced were shite, no question, utter shite, and the mining industry and their unions thought that they run the country and thought they had everyone by the bollocks, 3 day weeks and power cuts are still in my memory, the unions needed their arse kicked big style and they got it, by sticking to the stupid pay demands that at the end of the day could not be afforded they got told to do one, as to coal, its still underground here, when the time comes when all other areas have a shortage we`ll have our own reserve

. Seen as you thought it was you think you need to do a little bit of reasearch , british leyland Cars were shite now lets take that state ment to task , The unions at the time were fighting for the reinvestment and re tooling of the plants as the cars they were producung were outdated , the next generation of cars Were being designed yet the the money was not being invested , the cost of re tooling these old plants was far to much better to close them and build new with the govenments cash industriel unrest strikes walk outs. = no redundency pay. Lol all pre planed. Funny how the very same mini is now a top sella landrover jag etc. some clever fookers out there eh Oh and sorry for my grammer and puctuation am just a techno phobe
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  On 04/01/2014 at 20:56, gonetoearth said:


  On 04/01/2014 at 14:46, WILF said:


  On 04/01/2014 at 11:53, maxhardcore said:

Yes but it won't be the Men of the North East mineing it in there hundreds or thousands

Those seams went out 6 miles under the North Sea from Blackhall' Horden'Easington'Seaham ect

That coal could of kept Power Stations going providing jobs and Power-heating-lighting ect for 300 yrs ?

There could be a thousand years worth of coal but if unions make it too expensive to get out of the ground them its gonna stay where it is, that's the long and short of it.

. Wilf the coal beaneath this island is not your loose shite we import that needs to be thickened with water to burn its grade a anthrosite , the uninions just gave her the amo she needed the cheap columbian coal. We now import. Was cheaper why because untrained kids. And cheap labour mine it from open cast mines. Super bulk carriers bring it in wilf these company's are owed by the same familys that owend The industries that made this country a world power labour just became to expensive and they. Invested abroad. The nations coal industrie could. Have compeated but thatcher wanted a name. She got it. Theres a lot more to it than thatcher v scargill beleave me

Mate I don't always agree with your opinion but I respect it as you always put it across respectfully and well.

I can't agree in this case either because IMHO business is business and if they could do it cheaper here them they would because they would earn more.


Yes, the unions needed breaking at the time but they don't any more because they are by and large irrelevant

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f**k off the unions were on strike wanting more investment in new cars, was they bollocks, they wanted the money in their pockets, that's why there was no money to develop anything decent, know a few people who worked on the production line at BL and even now they say how cushty it was, manager disturb their kip they would walk out, company announce that they made 50 grand profit they would walk, the unions f****d this country and its industry up and nobody who lived through the shit they caused in the seventies can deny it, yes this country once was a leader in engineering and development of new products but now we only produce graduates who get the f**k out of here to do anything, how many of the car designers working abroad are british and how many could get any work here, not bloody many, and if the old unions were still involved with car production how many companies would set up factories here, not one is my reckoning

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so the mini is now a top seller and landrover doing well, how much is that down to being foreign owned, if it was still british and union controlled it would be still the pile of shit it was in the early eighties just with a new pair of headlights and maybe different door handles and announced as a new model, accept it, the mining and car production deserved all it got, same as british bikes in the seventies

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  On 05/01/2014 at 01:15, neil82 said:
so the mini is now a top seller and landrover doing well, how much is that down to being foreign owned, if it was still british and union controlled it would be still the pile of shit it was in the early eighties just with a new pair of headlights and maybe different door handles and announced as a new model, accept it, the mining and car production deserved all it got, same as british bikes in the seventies[/. Lol. Yeh. If you say so
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  On 04/01/2014 at 00:41, just jack said:


  On 04/01/2014 at 00:35, treecreeper said:

We are still sat on loads of some of the best coal in the world and we ship shite from half way across the world. Closing the pits wasn't about the money.


is it worth the expense in digging it up when its all going green :hmm: solar and all that :thumbs: the Gov have to keep in with the rest of the bollox that goes on :bad:

Keep in with the rest? Like Germany mate? We've must closed our last coal fired power station to comply with EU clean air legislation.. Germany have 5 massive and brand new ones coming on line.. :huh:


We're told that we live in a time of energy crisis, yet we sit on enough of a substance that could power us for at least another third of a millennium. Not just that but the coal we have here is some of the cleanest burning coal in the whole world, especially the seams further west..

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