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Thatcher.......even More Lies

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She may have saved the Southern half of the country. But certainly fcuked the Northern half up good and proper.

Virtually 30 years on and still my area(and surrounding) are not over the pit closures. Very far from it in fact. Stick a few factory units up and employ a couple of dozen folk then ship out and say"

No, she saved it !

you all blab on about how she ruined mining and car making in this country, you all need to think back and realise that back then that the cars BL produced were shite, no question, utter shite, and the mining industry and their unions thought that they run the country and thought they had everyone by the bollocks, 3 day weeks and power cuts are still in my memory, the unions needed their arse kicked big style and they got it, by sticking to the stupid pay demands that at the end of the day could not be afforded they got told to do one, as to coal, its still underground here, when the time comes when all other areas have a shortage we`ll have our own reserve

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  On 04/01/2014 at 02:03, neil82 said:

you all blab on about how she ruined mining and car making in this country, you all need to think back and realise that back then that the cars BL produced were shite, no question, utter shite, and the mining industry and their unions thought that they run the country and thought they had everyone by the bollocks, 3 day weeks and power cuts are still in my memory, the unions needed their arse kicked big style and they got it, by sticking to the stupid pay demands that at the end of the day could not be afforded they got told to do one, as to coal, its still underground here, when the time comes when all other areas have a shortage we`ll have our own reserve

who are we going to get in to dig it the french and chinese???

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  On 04/01/2014 at 02:03, neil82 said:

you all blab on about how she ruined mining and car making in this country, you all need to think back and realise that back then that the cars BL produced were shite, no question, utter shite, and the mining industry and their unions thought that they run the country and thought they had everyone by the bollocks, 3 day weeks and power cuts are still in my memory, the unions needed their arse kicked big style and they got it, by sticking to the stupid pay demands that at the end of the day could not be afforded they got told to do one, as to coal, its still underground here, when the time comes when all other areas have a shortage we`ll have our own reserve

Spot on. The unions f****d it. Same thing was happening at grangemouth refinery before Christmas. Union acting the big shot calling the workers to strike over pensions. Company said accept the contract or we will close the plant. Unions, we ain't taking your contract. Company, ok, plants closed your all out of a job, bye. Next day unions back cap in hand, please sir, can we sign the contract and get our jobs back please :yes: the problem is folk think the world owes them a living. If towns are built up around failed industries like the steel works and mines, that is no ones fault, shit happens. You need to go out there and find work. That's what's wrong with this country, all doom and gloom cos there ain't no local work a stones throw from your house. Look at the poles etc, they go to foreign countries to find work, usually work our guys are too soft to do. Don't see them bleating on about it 30 odd f***ing years later.

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When Thatcher and her antics are brought up you will always find on the whole most opinions are gave from a north vs south stance which some would say the divide,which to this day still exists when this topic rears its head.....Yep thats right a division between the population with best little room for manoeuvre as far as a debate goes and at worse having two men literally at each others throats,thats how deep the scar she gouged into these lands and between its people at the time but worse than that which still exists all these years later.....that for me with all the hatred i had for her is what really sadeness me most,


Then you have big Dave now tellin us ironically when the country is skint and on its knees "we're all in it together" lol you couldnt make it up!

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But it's still there max, it ain't gone anywhere. If they can get oil beneath frozen seas I'm sure they can get coal out of a flooded mine when the time comes they want it.

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As a Yorkshire miner who was in the strike I can honestly say that I thought Scargill was every bit as much a cnut as thatcher ever was. He could have ended the strike long before he did with a better result. I would be interested to see the minutes of all the meetings him and his cronies had during the strike. His main aim was to try and oust the Tory government so the union puppet party could be reinstated and keep the unions in power . When you were in amongst it it was unbeleivable how much corruption and self serving you saw among union men. Look at scargilll now suing the n.u.m for money for his phone bills and because he says he is a lifetime consultant to them.

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Well said Robbo. People need to remember that Harold Wilson closed more pits than Thatcher, but Scargill couldn't have motivated his Marxist minions so easily against a Labour administration. By focusing blame on the Tories.....and a woman Prime Minister.....he was able to appeal to class hatred and tribalism!

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  On 04/01/2014 at 11:53, maxhardcore said:

Yes but it won't be the Men of the North East mineing it in there hundreds or thousands

Those seams went out 6 miles under the North Sea from Blackhall' Horden'Easington'Seaham ect

That coal could of kept Power Stations going providing jobs and Power-heating-lighting ect for 300 yrs ?

There could be a thousand years worth of coal but if unions make it too expensive to get out of the ground them its gonna stay where it is, that's the long and short of it.

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