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Thatcher.......even More Lies

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If a two child policy came into Europe tomorrow

Not only would it mean more space and fresh air for all it would stop the tribes out reeding us.

Getting rid of cars and electricity would be much better if its air your worried about and without all these things the tribes may as well stay at home ;)


It's a sad indictment of humanity when we can contemplate a world with less children (the most innocent , wonderous, joyful thing in human existence IMHO ) but can't contemplate a world without a fridge !!


Personally, I am sick of people telling us we can't do the things which are natural to us human animals like breed, hunt, survive, love, hate etc..........these same folk will happily take an airplane half way round the globe burning 7 tons of fuel or go home to a brick built house.


No logic, no logic at all IMHO

Edited by WILF
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She may have saved the Southern half of the country. But certainly fcuked the Northern half up good and proper.

Virtually 30 years on and still my area(and surrounding) are not over the pit closures. Very far from it in fact. Stick a few factory units up and employ a couple of dozen folk then ship out and say"

No, she saved it !

If a two child policy came into Europe tomorrow

Not only would it mean more space and fresh air for all it would stop the tribes out reeding us.

So from that answer you must think I should be penalised for having twice the amount of kids ??? ..........

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Nik b if your anywhere near seriously thinking like that shame on you

I honestly could take the life of those humans if you can call them that who go out of their way to kill wild endangered animals either just because they can or for ivory ect ect

You're right. I'd start with the blacks...when they're all gone we'd have to kill all the animals.

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Socks I don't think anyone should be penalised

But tell the truth where do you see it all ending

Honestly if we don't make decisions now

Hard honest decisions

Then there is no long tearm future for planet earth and your kids. ' kids' kids

Simple as that

We just like rats

A cancer


We just breed

Spread and take

Take and take

We are fooking the planet

And fast

If everyone knew say by 2020

From then on a two child policy was being introduced for ALL

IMO it could only be beneficial to Mother Earth

If 3rd world countries didn't sign up for it then who's to blame when they are starving if a drought hits ect


Deep down you's know what I'm saying makes sense


We are at a tipping point


We either put ourselfs first


Or the Planet and everything in it


What good is the planet without a species like us to appreciate it? :hmm: Like it or not, we are a product of nature.. Plenty of other animals shape their ecosystems to suit their own purposes, not just humans. You also liken us to 'rats', well rats are also a product of nature, you can't pick and choose what part of nature has more of a right to exist on this planet, we are all part of it, rats, humans, the lot.. :thumbs:

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Nik b if your anywhere near seriously thinking like that shame on you

I honestly could take the life of those humans if you can call them that who go out of their way to kill wild endangered animals either just because they can or for ivory ect e

You're right. I'd start with the blacks...when they're all gone we'd have to kill all the animals.


nah could give the animals a reprieve,well until at least we get throught the chinks,then some of the religious lol

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Wasting your time Max, a few of the folk on here lambasting me and my comments about the number of kids are right up front condemning Africans, Pakistanis etc for their reproduction rate.

I'm guessing most can't think outside their village/town.

This is a world problem, not just British, but for me I don't care if it's a bangledashi snake charmer having x amount of kids or a respectable upper class family in an English town, boils down to the same.

If every couple had Four kids and that cycle goes unchecked for a couple of generations we're fecked.

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But you're missing the point here, the native british population has remained fairly static (minor growth) for years with an unregulated child policy. There isn't a problem here. Anyway why should we adopt that policy when it's not our population spiralling out of control?


I'm sure I read somewhere that generally when a population reaches a certain level of society the population tends to plateau, as ours has done. Due to the level of medical care, life spans are increases such that quality of life tends to become more of a concern than quantity of life, because of the improved survival rates etc. See there is hope for us...

Edited by Born Hunter
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But you're missing the point here, the native british population has remained fairly static (minor growth) for years with an unregulated child policy. There isn't a problem here. Anyway why should we adopt that policy when it's not our population spiralling out of control?


I'm sure I read somewhere that generally when a population reaches a certain level of society the population tends to plateau, as ours has done. Due to the level of medical care, life spans are increases such that quality of life tends to become more of a concern than quantity of life, because of the improved survival rates etc. See there is hope for us...

If we'd had no immigration our population might have actually declined. Think our birth rate used to be 1.6 or lower.


P.S if we killed everyone over 40 like in Logan's run we'd be sorted.

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Wasting your time Max, a few of the folk on here lambasting me and my comments about the number of kids are right up front condemning Africans, Pakistanis etc for their reproduction rate.



Using Socks as an example.........you cant seriously be comparing a decent hardworking family raising decent clean respectable children into good upstanding adults........to people knocking out children that are going to be raised in shit,snot and flies and most likely dead from disease before adulthood !


What planet do some people live on :icon_eek:

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But you're missing the point here, the native british population has remained fairly static (minor growth) for years with an unregulated child policy. There isn't a problem here. Anyway why should we adopt that policy when it's not our population spiralling out of control?


I'm sure I read somewhere that generally when a population reaches a certain level of society the population tends to plateau, as ours has done. Due to the level of medical care, life spans are increases such that quality of life tends to become more of a concern than quantity of life, because of the improved survival rates etc. See there is hope for us...

If we'd had no immigration our population might have actually declined. Think our birth rate used to be 1.6 or lower.


P.S if we killed everyone over 40 like in Logan's run we'd be sorted.



The population has remained prety stable though due to the longer average life span.


That's exactly what we need to do, I've got a good 15 years left! You? :D

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But you're missing the point here, the native british population has remained fairly static (minor growth) for years with an unregulated child policy. There isn't a problem here. Anyway why should we adopt that policy when it's not our population spiralling out of control?


I'm sure I read somewhere that generally when a population reaches a certain level of society the population tends to plateau, as ours has done. Due to the level of medical care, life spans are increases such that quality of life tends to become more of a concern than quantity of life, because of the improved survival rates etc. See there is hope for us...

If we'd had no immigration our population might have actually declined. Think our birth rate used to be 1.6 or lower.


P.S if we killed everyone over 40 like in Logan's run we'd be sorted.

The population has remained prety stable though due to the longer average life span.


That's exactly what we need to do, I've got a good 15 years left! You? :D

-1 :D

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I have never taken a thing from this country in my life and have given far more than most ... I have been in work since I was 14 and myself and my missus have NEVER claimed a penny from the state EVER ... Now out of my four kids my eldest is in her last six months of a Japanese studies degree ... Once passed she will live in Japan teaching English and whilst there will be doing a masters in Asian business so I am sure in years to come will help to bring business to our shores ... My boy qualified last year as a builder and has already bought done up and sold two houses generating money for the economy ... My next youngest girl is away to uni next year to study history and Spanish and has secured a place at an American uni for her second years studying again I doubt she is going to be a drain on society ... My youngest who has just started 6 form last year received an award at a ceremony in London as she came in the top 40 out of over 30,000 students in a national science programme and that was despite the fact that due to being unwell she only had two out of the six weeks to prepare and submit her entry ... Now imagine in years to come she finds a cure for cancer or a new renewable energy source that doesn't rape our planet !!! If that did happen it would not have been possible in a two child family as she wouldn't have been born ..... Like rats ??? I don't fukcing think so ...........

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