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Thatcher.......even More Lies

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  On 06/01/2014 at 14:59, mackay said:

As long as you pay folk to have kids we're fecked, can't feed them, don't breed them.They're your responsibility not the governments.I'll also add, and I care not who I offend, but anyone, British born or immigrant who in this day and age has more than a couple of kids are selfish bstards.


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She may have saved the Southern half of the country. But certainly fcuked the Northern half up good and proper.

Virtually 30 years on and still my area(and surrounding) are not over the pit closures. Very far from it in fact. Stick a few factory units up and employ a couple of dozen folk then ship out and say"

No, she saved it !

  On 06/01/2014 at 14:59, mackay said:

As long as you pay folk to have kids we're fecked, can't feed them, don't breed them.

They're your responsibility not the governments.

I'll also add, and I care not who I offend, but anyone, British born or immigrant who in this day and age has more than a couple of kids are selfish bstards.

How many kids have you got?
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  On 06/01/2014 at 15:02, gonetoearth said:


  On 06/01/2014 at 14:59, mackay said:

As long as you pay folk to have kids we're fecked, can't feed them, don't breed them.

They're your responsibility not the governments.

I'll also add, and I care not who I offend, but anyone, British born or immigrant who in this day and age has more than a couple of kids are selfish bstards.

but what if they can afford to rise them and educate them !!!


you shouldnt need to be able to aford to educate, it should be about how much your willing to learn and better yourself, not how much you can pay.. how will country improve if education is on how much you can pay basis

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  On 06/01/2014 at 15:17, Joe67 said:


  On 06/01/2014 at 15:02, gonetoearth said:


  On 06/01/2014 at 14:59, mackay said:

As long as you pay folk to have kids we're fecked, can't feed them, don't breed them.

They're your responsibility not the governments.

I'll also add, and I care not who I offend, but anyone, British born or immigrant who in this day and age has more than a couple of kids are selfish bstards.


but what if they can afford to rise them and educate them !!!

you shouldnt need to be able to aford to educate, it should be about how much your willing to learn and better yourself, not how much you can pay.. how will country improve if education is on how much you can pay basis
that you and i fooked then nither can spell lol
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  On 06/01/2014 at 15:13, maxhardcore said:

Iv said for a while it should be a two child max policy

And I don't give a fook what race colour or religion you are

The worlds overpopulated and were at a tipping point

Anyone saying its against my rights bla bla bla are selfish c**ts

The worlds more important than YOU


But how does it make you selfish? We've just established the native UK population is fairly sustainable. Why should we have a 2 child policy and see regression in population size? Further more why should people who have the ability to completely fund their own family be restricted?


Sod the rest of the world, our 70M is piss in the Indian and Chinese Oceans. Let them worry about how they are gonna feed and house their own.

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  On 06/01/2014 at 15:28, maxhardcore said:

Education to a certain degree pardon the pun is for the most part how much a parent can afford.

Yes there will be some good mainstream schools out there with some Great and committed teachers in these schools but don't tell me kids who are schooled here get the same standard of education than those going to Private school

If what I'm saying is wrong then why wernt Bliars litter educated in mainstream instead of Private ?

That goes for the rest of them .

Also if a kid digs in and is also equally gifted they held back because Torys stopped university term funding.

It's the Posh c**ts way of making sure the top jobs stay within their families.

The British system aint fair

It's corrupt from top to bottom imo


You're right about the state/private school thing. Money makes a difference there, but I've no problem with that. We work harder than our neighbours to give our kids better lives than our neighbours kids, I like that.


But imo University fees are a good thing, put a lot of half arsed students off going to Uni for half arsed degrees. The only people Uni fees have hit are the middle classes, they get very little if any funding as their parents are expected to stump up the cash as it's assumed their disposeable income is sufficient. The bottom end of the income ladder get plenty of funding and are only limited by their academic ability. Only thing I would change is give ALL prospective students the option to the same level of loans.

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  On 06/01/2014 at 15:33, Born Hunter said:


  On 06/01/2014 at 15:28, maxhardcore said:

Education to a certain degree pardon the pun is for the most part how much a parent can afford.

Yes there will be some good mainstream schools out there with some Great and committed teachers in these schools but don't tell me kids who are schooled here get the same standard of education than those going to Private school

If what I'm saying is wrong then why wernt Bliars litter educated in mainstream instead of Private ?

That goes for the rest of them .

Also if a kid digs in and is also equally gifted they held back because Torys stopped university term funding.

It's the Posh c**ts way of making sure the top jobs stay within their families.

The British system aint fair

It's corrupt from top to bottom imo


You're right about the state/private school thing. Money makes a difference there, but I've no problem with that. We work harder than our neighbours to give our kids better lives than our neighbours kids, I like that.


But imo University fees are a good thing, put a lot of half arsed students off going to Uni for half arsed degrees. The only people Uni fees have hit are the middle classes, they get very little if any funding as their parents are expected to stump up the cash as it's assumed their disposeable income is sufficient. The bottom end of the income ladder get plenty of funding and are only limited by their academic ability. Only thing I would change is give ALL prospective students the option to the same level of loans.


It's the half assed degrees that were the problem.. By all means cut funding for bullshit studies about David Beckham's next fecking hair cut but it should have stayed in place for core subjects like the sciences, English, Mathematics, Engineering, etc..

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  On 06/01/2014 at 15:35, maxhardcore said:

Born Hunter

Per square mile

England is the most over populated country in the world

Including china

We as a world need to be decreasing our population

Resources ain't infinite

We are raping the planet

Habitats disappearing as we spread

Habitats disappearing to facilitate out greed for consumer goods

With this habitat loss comes animal ' plant faura and fauna extinction

Never to return

We need to worry about our own neck of the woods

As does Europe ' America ect

Of Africa' India ' Asia ect can't see sence stop all aid and let nature take its course

Facts are most of the world has two weeks of food reserves inc Us in the UK

One major drought or crop failure and we are fooked within two weeks

Every country should be able to sustain its population

Once it can't there are two many people in that said country.

We are selfish

We are greedy

We are self centred


Politicians even more so .

Think you'll find there are quite a few countries ahead of the UK when it comes to population density Max.

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So if a couple have 2 sons but long for a girl......even though they are financially capable of raising a large family they shouldnt be allowed to complete their family ???


I dont normally get involved in politics debates as I have neither he knowledge or a great deal of interest......but come on im not having that.

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Why though? Why should the decent subjects be funded? If everybody has to pay tuition fees and get the choice to the same level of student loans to cover them, regardless of family wealth/income, it has the effect of stopping people taking degrees that won't see a decent return in career and wage. All the degrees worth taking and in demand don't have that negative because at the end the student knows he/she will be earning. The fees simply haven't put people off doing worthwhile degrees.

Edited by Born Hunter
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Just like to add that under the new loan repayment system the student doesn't have to pay a penny back untill they're earning over 20k I believe and the interest rates are as low as you could hope for, better than anything you'll find at a bank. So, how exactly does that stop intelligent young kids from poor backgrounds educating themselves?


The only time I'd really actually give money to students as opposed to lend is for subjects that are in desperate demand but not getting enough quality student applying. As an incentive to fill that void in the countries job market. Plenty of other worth while and needed subjects though that would not require that incentive as the career at the end of it is incentive enough for any number of reasons.

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  On 06/01/2014 at 15:44, Born Hunter said:

Why though? Why should the decent subjects be funded? If everybody has to pay tuition fees and get the choice to the same level of student loans to cover them, regardless of family wealth/income, it has the effect of stopping people taking degrees that won't see a decent return in career and wage. All the degrees worth taking and in demand don't have that negative because at the end the student knows he/she will be earning. The fees simply haven't put people off doing worthwhile degrees.

Did you take out a student loan mate? I'd bet there's not many people who come from poor backgrounds fancy starting their career £30,000 odd in debt.. :hmm: We should nurture our brightest irrespective of social background IMO.. A family member of mine is with a girl who is attempting uni for the third time. Bright enough girl but she's a doctors daughter and she's a bit of an entitled so and so and bone idle. Her father has put her though uni each time at great personal cost but each time she's jacked it in.. Why should someone like her get opportunity after opportunity just because her family can afford do do so, yet many who would be prepared to stick to the task and better themselves are denied or put off from doing so by the huge figures involved? :hmm:

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  On 06/01/2014 at 16:06, Malt said:


  On 06/01/2014 at 15:44, Born Hunter said:

Why though? Why should the decent subjects be funded? If everybody has to pay tuition fees and get the choice to the same level of student loans to cover them, regardless of family wealth/income, it has the effect of stopping people taking degrees that won't see a decent return in career and wage. All the degrees worth taking and in demand don't have that negative because at the end the student knows he/she will be earning. The fees simply haven't put people off doing worthwhile degrees.

Did you take out a student loan mate? I'd bet there's not many people who come from poor backgrounds fancy starting their career £30,000 odd in debt.. :hmm: We should nurture our brightest irrespective of social background IMO.. A family member of mine is with a girl who is attempting uni for the third time. Bright enough girl but she's a doctors daughter and she's a bit of an entitled so and so and bone idle. Her father has put her though uni each time at great personal cost but each time she's jacked it in.. Why should someone like her get opportunity after opportunity just because her family can afford do do so, yet many who would be prepared to stick to the task and better themselves are denied or put off from doing so by the huge figures involved? :hmm:



Well here's my philisophical view on it Malt. She has that luxury because of her father's hard work and success, should he be denied the choice to give his daughter every chance with his own money? I still don't believe it should put prospective students off going to uni, if they're intelligent (as they should be) they should be able to look at the facts and make the judgement call as to wheather or not their chosen degree will give them the career and potential in their adult life to outweigh the debt incurred. Which as I have said isn't an issue untill earning over 20k. I landed 20k in student debt and it's simply not a concern at all, it's just not like normal debt, no one is going to come and reposess my home and possessions if I can't afford to pay it back.

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  On 06/01/2014 at 16:16, Nik_B said:

I'd like to see the return of Grammar schools. Comprehensive schools are utterly shite unless you live is the very best areas, even then they're not all that.


Return? They never went! Just not allowed to build any more. But I agree, role them out nation wide. Lincolnshire was a Grammar hotspot, I was too strong willed and stubborn to take my eleven plus and my folks wouldn't force me. LOL.


But I like the concept. That said how many kids get into Grammar schools off the back of private tuition and not through natural ability? Comprehensive/Grammar argument.

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