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Thatcher.......even More Lies

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I keep hearing about this mythical "working man" ?........who is he?, what's makes him entitled to anything?

I'm a working man, have been all my life, never asked the government for jack shit in all that time and don't want anything but I certainly don't want my money used to prop up failing industries !!

nor. I wilf you are the working man i speak of and like the rest of us we have been shit on are assets have been flogged off with no gain to are society. When theres boom we waste are country's wealth. Consecutive governments have squandered are youth while Germany trains their youth for work we educate ares to go to further education , you misunderstand me i am no fan of any work shy or union commies but have watched while assets have flogged of for a pittance, people who want to come and work welcome , what do you want for this country wilf. Your kids to be second class in their own Country , Or have you given up on your country and its indigenous people

Honestly mate, I dont want anything for this country.......I long ago got wise to all this wider society bollocks ( like the government refer too)......the only society worth caring about is the relationship you personally have with your friends, family and community.

All I want is for the government to leave me alone and if I could wish one thing for my kids it's that they one day have the freedom to be left alone, keep the money they earn and develope relationships as they see fit with the society around them (not the mythical society our politicians talk about which really means "give us all your money)

The crime with closing big industry IMHO is that we dont allow those men to stand on their own two feet and find alternative ways of earning a living, it's all rules, regulation and tax.

You can't take away a lifeline but then make it so difficult and expensive to function alone.......that's the real crime.

They want to keep us in financial and social (in the local sense) poverty........they don't want free independant stand alone men because then they are surplus to requirements.

We have to stop thinking in terms of these big government run industries, any thing the government gives you is slavery

. Exactly wilf we sing of the same hymn sheet bealeve it or not , Its the total waste of are biggest asset i can not abide are youth i still have faith you see.
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She may have saved the Southern half of the country. But certainly fcuked the Northern half up good and proper.

Virtually 30 years on and still my area(and surrounding) are not over the pit closures. Very far from it in fact. Stick a few factory units up and employ a couple of dozen folk then ship out and say"

No, she saved it !

I'm not saying they ain't had their union battles mate, but if you compare the days of productivity lost due to industrial actions here and there over the period of time in which the major battles were taking place there is simply no comparison.. :thumbs:


. They dont need to strike malt the law is already on their side i could go on but like i said Carnt be arsed lol
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What business would have wanted to come and set up shop knowing they would have unions like that to deal with?........the union f****d over its members every bit as bad as the government did.


Look at Grangemouth!!!........the yanks showed them what they think of there union.

I think the areas like nottingamshire and s.derbyshire whos miners supported maggie and carried on working faired just has bad as far as regeneration goes [BANNED TEXT] their pits were closed and the loss of jobs to these areas.

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We are still sat on loads of some of the best coal in the world and we ship shite from half way across the world. Closing the pits wasn't about the money.

is it worth the expense in digging it up when its all going green :hmm: solar and all that :thumbs: the Gov have to keep in with the rest of the bollox that goes on :bad:
Keep in with the rest? Like Germany mate? We've must closed our last coal fired power station to comply with EU clean air legislation.. Germany have 5 massive and brand new ones coming on line.. :huh:


We're told that we live in a time of energy crisis, yet we sit on enough of a substance that could power us for at least another third of a millennium. Not just that but the coal we have here is some of the cleanest burning coal in the whole world, especially the seams further west..


i totally agree Mal but its going green is what i'm on about, not the "keep in with the rest" that you highlighted as it does say "of the bollox that goes on" also :thumbs:

maybe i have read it wrong :thumbs:

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We are still sat on loads of some of the best coal in the world and we ship shite from half way across the world. Closing the pits wasn't about the money.


is it worth the expense in digging it up when its all going green :hmm: solar and all that :thumbs: the Gov have to keep in with the rest of the bollox that goes on :bad:
Keep in with the rest? Like Germany mate? We've must closed our last coal fired power station to comply with EU clean air legislation.. Germany have 5 massive and brand new ones coming on line.. :huh:

We're told that we live in a time of energy crisis, yet we sit on enough of a substance that could power us for at least another third of a millennium. Not just that but the coal we have here is some of the cleanest burning coal in the whole world, especially the seams further west..

i totally agree Mal but its going green is what i'm on about, not the "keep in with the rest" that you highlighted as it does say "of the bollox that goes on" also :thumbs:

maybe i have read it wrong :thumbs:

I thought you meant that 'going green' was 'all that bollocks' mate, I think it is anyway! :D Thought you were meaning we had to keep up with the other countries and environmental legislation.. :doh: What can I say, I posted that at 3.18am when I was half asleep, I didn't read your post right! :thumbs:
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you all blab on about how she ruined mining and car making in this country, you all need to think back and realise that back then that the cars BL produced were shite, no question, utter shite, and the mining industry and their unions thought that they run the country and thought they had everyone by the bollocks, 3 day weeks and power cuts are still in my memory, the unions needed their arse kicked big style and they got it, by sticking to the stupid pay demands that at the end of the day could not be afforded they got told to do one, as to coal, its still underground here, when the time comes when all other areas have a shortage we`ll have our own reserve

Spot on. The unions f****d it. Same thing was happening at grangemouth refinery before Christmas. Union acting the big shot calling the workers to strike over pensions. Company said accept the contract or we will close the plant. Unions, we ain't taking your contract. Company, ok, plants closed your all out of a job, bye. Next day unions back cap in hand, please sir, can we sign the contract and get our jobs back please :yes: the problem is folk think the world owes them a living. If towns are built up around failed industries like the steel works and mines, that is no ones fault, shit happens. You need to go out there and find work. That's what's wrong with this country, all doom and gloom cos there ain't no local work a stones throw from your house. Look at the poles etc, they go to foreign countries to find work, usually work our guys are too soft to do. Don't see them bleating on about it 30 odd f*****g years later.
. Its thick spineless twats like you that perpetuate the mythe of the lazy brit listern shit for brains. This country has and all ways will have. People that. Work the system. , it all so has and allways will have Engineers , designers , inovators , that the world envy we produce top end product So next time you want to salivate over the dregs of europe feel free to join them. In their low life exsistance this nation lost thousands of brave young men to liberate in two world wars Then again when lecks union needed support are workers stood by them. Now the very same nation invades are country. And dick heads like you. Think there some super work force. Fook you are one brain dead tosser

:laugh: you don't half talk some shite :yes: I perpetuate the myth of the lazy Brit? How did the Indians get a foot hold in this country? By working on the buses, jobs our lot wouldn't do. The poles work farms picking fruit, potatoes again cos our lot wouldn't do it. I listened to a radio program when the recession started, main stream radio, think it was radio 2. Guy bleating on how he can't get a job, tried everything. An mp louder phoned in and said I've got a job for you. Guy asked what it was, I can't remember but it was within the guys employment range. His next question was where is it. It was 10 miles away. The guy said ohh that's too far, I was looking for something more local, gen up. I nearly died with laughing, a clown like you who goes to the bother of phoning a national radio station bleating how he can't get work but the truth is, he wants work but on his terms. When times are hard you need to take what you can get. I don't like the poles etc but I f***ing respect them. Farms up this way would struggle without them. I've given a few lifts, most recent was 2 lassies thumbing a lift from outside Elgin to Inverness. Both on working holidays, one was heading to Skye the other John o groats. Working for no more than a roof and food. One from Norway the other Poland. Both came over on their own, you got to admire that courage. Too many in this country want an easy time, jobs handed to them with a lifetime guarantee. They jobs are gone. You can blame the government all you want but the mines were failing but I'm just wasting my breath. I've seen your type all my life, small minded souls who need someone to blame and it's usually the government. You get it drummed into your head at an early age to hate the Tories and nothing will detract you from that school of thought. Think for yourself for once, it's so liberating my fellow bleating sheep.

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theres a big difference between someone working for food and a roof and someone working to support their family and settling in this country and adding to it and economic migration, that's all most eastern Europeans are. a cash sponge, living on the minimum in every sense adding nothing to our economy and sending every penny possible back to eastern Europe, please tell me how that is helping our economy :hmm:

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theres a big difference between someone working for food and a roof and someone working to support their family and settling in this country and adding to it and economic migration, that's all most eastern Europeans are. a cash sponge, living on the minimum in every sense adding nothing to our economy and sending every penny possible back to eastern Europe, please tell me how that is helping our economy :hmm:

Your missing the point mate. Forget those 2 girls, the poles etc aren't helping our economy. They are helping themselves. No one takes on a job to help the economy, we all work to help ourselves. The point I'm making is these poles have a shit time in their own country job wide but have the balls, motivation to even go to another country to find work. People are on this thread moaning their town had no work after the pits closed, TOWN!!! Get my point?

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all part of the same picture, just been on the telly 8 Rumanians living in a 1 bedroom flat, perhaps in this position they can afford to take part time or zero hours contracts etc, but turning the clocks back to the times of Fagan is not moving the country forward is it,

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Seem to be going off in a tangent here mate. I thought we were talking about the mine villages after thatcher closed them? My reference to the poles is to show the lengths some people from other countries will go to find work whereas here, it's all doom and gloom if a factory closes and the next ones 10 mile away.

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Seem to be going off in a tangent here mate. I thought we were talking about the mine villages after thatcher closed them? My reference to the poles is to show the lengths some people from other countries will go to find work whereas here, it's all doom and gloom if a factory closes and the next ones 10 mile away.

if both factories were identical in what they did however if not it would matter not if it was one or a hundred miles away and they had 10.000 jobs if you have not got the skills there after then your not going to get a job there, boils my piss when folk say there's thousands of jobs, well remove the part time, the job shares, the duplicated ones, the one day a month agency ones, the ones you do not have the skills for, the economically daft ones (ie the ones where it will cost more to get to than you will earn) and the jobs that are actually available suddenly becomes a whole lot smaller

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Seem to be going off in a tangent here mate. I thought we were talking about the mine villages after thatcher closed them? My reference to the poles is to show the lengths some people from other countries will go to find work whereas here, it's all doom and gloom if a factory closes and the next ones 10 mile away.

if both factories were identical in what they did however if not it would matter not if it was one or a hundred miles away and they had 10.000 jobs if you have not got the skills there after then your not going to get a job there, boils my piss when folk say there's thousands of jobs, well remove the part time, the job shares, the duplicated ones, the one day a month agency ones, the ones you do not have the skills for, the economically daft ones (ie the ones where it will cost more to get to than you will earn) and the jobs that are actually available suddenly becomes a whole lot smaller

I was in primary when all this thatcher stuff was going on. But I can remember my auld man telling me back then jobs were a plenty. When he left school you could walk out of a job on the friday, start one on the monday. You keep jumping to today but I'm talking back then :)

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Seem to be going off in a tangent here mate. I thought we were talking about the mine villages after thatcher closed them? My reference to the poles is to show the lengths some people from other countries will go to find work whereas here, it's all doom and gloom if a factory closes and the next ones 10 mile away.

At the end of the day Baw the filth that is the Torie Goverment never has and never will give a fook about the North East and North West.

There has been hardly any investment here since they shut the Pits, The Steel Works, Ship Yards, Docks, Ports,Railways ect


All Torie goverments have ever done is decimate the North.


Instead of realising every area of this Countrys Potential they concentrate only on their own areas in the South , Predominantly the City where they have their mucky fingers in Investment pies.


This super duper high speed train link should be fooked off and they should spend the money on opening all those smaller lines they closed.

Giving folk from all parts of the country the chance to access large towns, Citys ect and work.


Osbourne the filthy cnut is saying another 25 billion of cuts during 2014 to reduce the deficite


So why 700 million of aid to Syria on top of the already 7 billion in foreign aid we give away EVERY Year.


If they need to reduce a deficite maybe they should half their wages and stop all their expenses.


They are scum ' end of.


This country needs a radical change and shake up and i feel only Ukip has any chance of doing this.


Vote Ukip

Scotland suffered too mate, let's not kid ourselves its a north of England thing. I'm guessing no one in the north was complaining about investment during the boom years. The government obviously invest like any smart business, in areas that are worth investing. A business won't be in business long throwing money at bad investments. Look at china, we can't compete with them, most of the world can't, would it be wise spending bucket loads trying? It's ok trying to provide jobs for everyone but at some point something has to give. My auld man worked in the Craig, I can mind him going on strike. I can also mind him cloaking in and going home and his mate cloaking him out. They were all at it. It's best producing year was when they announced closures, funny that. It gave him the kick up the arse to go self employed which he did rather well.

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