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Thatcher.......even More Lies

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She may have saved the Southern half of the country. But certainly fcuked the Northern half up good and proper.

Virtually 30 years on and still my area(and surrounding) are not over the pit closures. Very far from it in fact. Stick a few factory units up and employ a couple of dozen folk then ship out and say"

No, she saved it !

Even more lies uncovered about Maggie`s plans to close more pits and even to bring in the army against the striking miners.Did she deceive the country?

No, she saved it !

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Were the pits she planned to close unproductive and uneconomical? If not why exactly did she want to shut them? She didn't want to kill the coal industry just reduce the work force from 200k to a more economical 130k right? What exactly were her options? She played the game of politics to get a victory against an opponent in the pocket of the Soviets.


I guess we all have our own opinions and I can only draw mine from historical evidence. I'd be pleased for someone to correct me?

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She may have saved the Southern half of the country. But certainly fcuked the Northern half up good and proper. :yes:

Ahh, maybe or maybe not mate......did you watch Top Gear the other night?.......see what you lot north of Watford sell to the world just in the way of vehicle technology and vehicles?


You lot should be bloody proud of what you produce IMHO....you had to adapt and you did, and then some

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All politicians are liars, its part of the job but Maggie was more honest than most, like her or not she had a set of beliefs and principles that she stuck with, unlike todays liars who seem to change their political beliefs every time the wind changes. Tony Ben, Enoch Powell, Maggie Thatcher, all with different beliefs but at least they actually believed in what they were saying :thumbs:

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the only part of school I can ever remember enjoying was looking out of my junior school window watching the miners kick off with the coppers all day! I also remember the hurt and hardship caused by the strikes, luckily didnt affect my family directly but plenty of friends parents worked down the pit and wasnt a happy time!

Edited by jonnygray
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Nothing new to be honest to us that were involved in the strike to save jobs and communitys and dont forget their was no back up plan for these areas in regeneration or new industries she was just happy and found it cheaper to put thousands of men on the dole as north sea gas would pay for that.Its a lagacy that i have moved on from and so should the rest of us as i think blair and browns legacys are going to be more detrimental to our future than thatchers was.

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she had a mighty ole pair of spuds :yes:

i know a lot of old miners and some are famlly :thumbs: and by fook they hate her, but can i say scargill is also a reaping twat who lived and can i say CUSHDY for a while , while preaching his stuff, yes the miners suffered, did he :hmm: i shall await the whip :thumbs: just my thought on it

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It`s proven that Thatcher was not honest with the NUM about her future plans.Would a government get away with that these days?

In all fairness any prime minister at the time could not possibly have played an honest game with a union so powerful that was in the pocket of the USSR

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Todays politicians have told lies and spun the truth, taking us into a war that led to the loss of British lives and at the same time removing the only man who could control the population. Look at the state of Iraq now. They haven't stopped there, the BS just keeps on coming, believe nothing of what you hear, half of what you see and assume that every politician is out to fleece you and the truth will be in your grasp :thumbs:

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