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Training Help!

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Mines same,using a line now,chuck ball then reel him back in,let you know how i get on

.dont take the ball off them stright away,give them fuss,then take ball of them. I take my pup training and is amazed how complex the retrieve can be.


Yeah let me know if that one works I'll try it next if it doesn't work in the ally

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Just a suggestion but get down on your nees with your arms open and try calling him with an excited tone, mite work

I'm not saying get on your knees all the time just a few time to see if he will come in then gradually stand up etc

The refusal of the pup to come into your space with the dummy and dropping the ball short indicate that his mindset is changing when nearing contact with you , it's a zone the pup is uncomfortable wit

I'm not saying get on your knees all the time just a few time to see if he will come in then gradually stand up etc


This is exactly how I got my bitch to come back right to my hand as she was always stopping short so I seeked advice from a bloke that trains dogs and this is what he told me to do to drop on one knee to come down to the dogs level and praise her as much as i can don't walk away from him or walk closer just paitience and plenty of practice and he will soon get the idea and when he starts coming right back then start to stand up

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Hi guys, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get my 12month old whippet to retrieve. When I throw the dummy he chases and picks it up but drops it short every time I've tried moving closer as he is coming to me and also tried moving away but it's still short every time.

Can anyone give me some advice or tips on getting him to retrieve to hand anything will be appreciated thanks.

The refusal of the pup to come into your space with the dummy and dropping the ball short indicate that his mindset is changing when nearing contact with you , it's a zone the pup is uncomfortable with , it's going from drive to fear,a dog can only reference one feeling at a time,


Dogs switch polarities to fit with us and other dogs it's how the pack works , every dog makes itself social to fit it's how Mother Nature evolved to accommodate large groups of predators in the wild , meaning they can't all act predator like or dominant some must act submissive or prey like, what's happening with your pup is that it can't act a certain way in your space it can't express itself , fear takes over


I'm not saying you have beaten it , sensitive mutts can be effected after been told off for mouthing or jumping up or similar


I would work on building confidence between you , can the pup sustain a paws up on your body when instructed , not just jump on and off but paws up and good eye contact for 10 seconds , sensitive dogs really struggle with that sort of intimacy,


Your space must be a big positive for the pup , tug items , jumping up , barking on command , hand feeding all help to change how a dog relates to us , the more predator like it acts through us the more fear it has to lose of us , it's usually the last 3 feet of a retrieve that become an issue for a lot of dogs,

Best of luck with the pup

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Hi guys, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get my 12month old whippet to retrieve. When I throw the dummy he chases and picks it up but drops it short every time I've tried moving closer as he is coming to me and also tried moving away but it's still short every time.

Can anyone give me some advice or tips on getting him to retrieve to hand anything will be appreciated thanks.

The refusal of the pup to come into your space with the dummy and dropping the ball short indicate that his mindset is changing when nearing contact with you , it's a zone the pup is uncomfortable with , it's going from drive to fear,a dog can only reference one feeling at a time,


Dogs switch polarities to fit with us and other dogs it's how the pack works , every dog makes itself social to fit it's how Mother Nature evolved to accommodate large groups of predators in the wild , meaning they can't all act predator like or dominant some must act submissive or prey like, what's happening with your pup is that it can't act a certain way in your space it can't express itself , fear takes over


I'm not saying you have beaten it , sensitive mutts can be effected after been told off for mouthing or jumping up or similar


I would work on building confidence between you , can the pup sustain a paws up on your body when instructed , not just jump on and off but paws up and good eye contact for 10 seconds , sensitive dogs really struggle with that sort of intimacy,


Your space must be a big positive for the pup , tug items , jumping up , barking on command , hand feeding all help to change how a dog relates to us , the more predator like it acts through us the more fear it has to lose of us , it's usually the last 3 feet of a retrieve that become an issue for a lot of dogs,

Best of luck with the pup


Well I don't beat him and I don't shout much but he is in the house most of the day and 9 out of 10 times he's on my knee I do hand feed him and I can have eye contact for a lot longer than 10 seconds, he doesn't fear me I let him jump up for a fuss so could it still be that?

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try some nice treats

He ignores the dummy after I give him one treat bud
Well he doesn't get any treats then. When you doing this retrieve training? Is the dog in kennels or in the house?


I have an alley in my garden between my house and out houses I do it in that for less distractions

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Whippets and sensitivity go hand in hand , they were bred to be sensitive to elements in their environment and that would also include us ,

As said before you may not have ever laid a hand on him , but as a whippet(soft tempered) he will be drawn to avoidance whereas something like a bulldog (hard tempered)will be drawn to confrontation , one is an imploder the other is exploder ,

If he panics when you shout , it's usually a good indication of fear,

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Whippets and sensitivity go hand in hand , they were bred to be sensitive to elements in their environment and that would also include us ,

As said before you may not have ever laid a hand on him , but as a whippet(soft tempered) he will be drawn to avoidance whereas something like a bulldog (hard tempered)will be drawn to confrontation , one is an imploder the other is exploder ,

If he panics when you shout , it's usually a good indication of fear,

No he doesn't panic he just looks at me like "shut the feck up" lol. I've sorted it now it was my error not the dogs , I was putting my hand out to try and encourage him, but soon as I kept my hands down he brought it all the way to me, something as simple as that, I think he was doing that thinking I had a treat so he was dropping the ball to get it because I was using treats before

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  • 2 months later...

lDannyGl what happened to your post titled, TRAINING TROUBLE, it was about your dog

retrieving a dummy on the lamp, apparently you were going to take the dog out lamping on rabbits

and you were going to let us know how your dog got on, well how did you get on? because the

post titled, TRAINING TROUBLE, has vanished, STRANGE...



Edited by swg dave
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Hi guys, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get my 12month old whippet to retrieve. When I throw the dummy he chases and picks it up but drops it short every time I've tried moving closer as he is coming to me and also tried moving away but it's still short every time.

Can anyone give me some advice or tips on getting him to retrieve to hand anything will be appreciated thanks.

Edited by swg dave
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