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Crabbit Woman.....

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What does crabbit mean?   is that like being a complete f**king bitch? My wife has that

My missus is a dour sour faced fooker at times, but give her her due she ain't ever moaned once about my mutts or what I do with them. I come and go as I please, kennel what a please, but try getting

BJ are just to snare you. As soon as you say I do, they don't

My mate used to go out every Saturday night and come back hammerd to face his grumpy cow wife


One sat night he came in p ssed as a fart and she was nice as pie

Fancy a mug of tea and a fried egg butty she said


The tea contained lacitives , and she fried the eggs in castor oil

2 days he spent dashing to the bog with the shits lol

He blamed the drink and went tea total

It was nearly 2years before he found out the truth


Now that's an evil bitch lol

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Lol. 15yrs with you. Jesus like a jail term :p

:tongue2: aye, couldn't get shot, once they've had Baw, nothing comes close :laugh:
And then they turn lesbian.

I f***ing wish :laugh: I've never met a good looking lesbian yet :D

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A Husband frantically calls hotel management from his hotel room, "Please come fast I'm having an argument with my wife and she says she will jump out the window of your hotel". The manager replied "Sir that's a personal matter ". Husband replies "Like f**k it is! The window won't open so that's a maintenance matter !"

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Mine is a good one, her job helps though..she's a nurse an works a lot of shifts so I pretty much do as I please :yes: as long as the stuff she's asked for is all done?


She has a few special word for me when I've pissed her off or done something wrong, 'you're a cock!' my favorite one is, 'get ya dog an F**k off...an when you get there F**k off some more!!

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Crabbit women? Jeez you fellas are worse than us all put together on here! I much prefer being single, the rabbit does a better job than most men in half the time lol. I can get out with the dogs when I please and do what i like whenever I like. Men are what turn us women into nutters. My life was great until men entered it, well except my good friends :D

Edited by collie/grey
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Crabbit women? Jeez you fellas are worse than us all put together on here! I much prefer being single, the rabbit does a better job than most men in half the time lol. I can get out with the dogs when I please and do what i like whenever I like. Men are what turn us women into nutters. My life was great until men entered it, well except my good friends :D

dont you get fur balls and rabbit droppings in the bed though :hmm:

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My missus is a dour sour faced fooker at times, but give her her due she ain't ever moaned once about my mutts or what I do with them. I come and go as I please, kennel what a please, but try getting a blowey Ffs......


You missed makes a decent butty :laugh:


All women are sour faced cnuts no matter the creed, nationality or skin colour :tongue2::laugh: :laugh:

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My missus is a dour sour faced fooker at times, but give her her due she ain't ever moaned once about my mutts or what I do with them. I come and go as I please, kennel what a please, but try getting a blowey Ffs......


You missed makes a decent butty :laugh:


All women are sour faced cnuts no matter the creed, nationality or skin colour :tongue2::laugh: :laugh:



Now if that's not equality then I don't know what is!!

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My missus is a dour sour faced fooker at times, but give her her due she ain't ever moaned once about my mutts or what I do with them. I come and go as I please, kennel what a please, but try getting a blowey Ffs......


You missed makes a decent butty :laugh:


All women are sour faced cnuts no matter the creed, nationality or skin colour :tongue2::laugh: :laugh:



Now if that's not equality then I don't know what is!!


Not racist or sexist me mate, I used to have a black dog and a bitch :laugh: :laugh:

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