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He Was Right

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Yep, Enoch could see the bigger picture right enough, if an MP made a statement along those lines nowadays they would be hauled across the coals for it.. He even had the foresight to refer to '...the immigrant descended population'. These are the ones born here and refer to themselves as British, which brings to mind something Bernard Manning said many years ago.. "just because a dog is born in a stable doesn't make it a f**king horse"


It has been a slow process, but seems to be gathering momentum at an alarming rate. We're already seeing the effects of what Enoch was trying to put across to all those MP's back then who had their heads stuck up their arses, and those who subsequently jumped on the bandwagon.

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This country is fooked and likes to be dragged through the shite and it will be by these shower of shitebags with no respect for our country.

Aye vote UKIP they only want genuine refugees :rolleyes:

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