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Hob Wanted

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hi looking for a hob ferret in the Edinburgh, Glasgow or surrounding areas must be about 2 yrs max but the younger the better as want to get him a vasectomy done when his balls drop as my vas hob had to be pts.



You dont need the balls to drop mate... vets will do the op regardless ;)

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read up on it lee it is better if you wait until the balls drop as having the op before hand increases the risk of it not being a success, and I know some vets will carry out the op before they drop but most prefer to wait till they drop.




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Mine was fcuked for hours after too....


He was 18 months old... so sexually mature... but his balls hadnt descended at that time...


I had 3 hobs castrated within weeks of each other... and the same vet insisted the balls had to have dropped for castration...


Its obviously a grey area...

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Aye even with there balls dropped pedro's vet cut the blood supply off and no the sperm tubes to his hob so i would wait till there in season and there nuts are down before getting the operation , its no going to harm the jills to wait untill his tanks are empty and you can use him

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