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Sorry if this topic has been done before as Im new to the forum and cant find anything through searching. I have a GWP bitch and she is very game, I would think if she was crossed with a greyhound or lurcher the pups would make good fox dogs? I know very little about lurchers and am only 17 but everyone has to start somewhere :blink:. I am willing to wait for a year or two when I will have more time, more cash and a set of wheels :yes: Any info, pics or anything on this cross really :notworthy:

Thanks :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've got a GSP cross and he's game enough to do the job, not an out an out fox dog(i entered him to early) but sorts out shot ones well


uses his head alot with deer and foxes


Had some conversations on here and the general consensus from owners was they were very good!!!

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i have a gsp bitch that is stone mad for hares and fox. leave a fox tail anywhere around outside the house, let her out and she will find it in seconds. she smells hares and follows where they went easily, killed a young one out on a walk one day dead before i could get to her. she is only 8 months very strong. id think about crossing her some day

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