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Hw97K .22 Fettled/tuned Ready For Action!

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I will be doing mine tomorrow , I thought I might go to work but the guns comes first . That's the beauty of owning your own business

Piston and cylinder after a quick polish with 1200     all the parts ready to be greased to go back in. newest piston seal on the left!     new seals fitted and shineyness     piston l

Nice one Oss now just shoot the fekker LOL enjoy


I will be doing mine tomorrow , I thought I might go to work but the guns comes first .

That's the beauty of owning your own business

How did it go??


Been pellet testing on a new HW100KS.22 for a mate ,found daystate Li the best with a 5 fps spread over 4 mags.

With the 97 at the moment having 5 fps spread is it worth touching it or not ?

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I will be doing mine tomorrow , I thought I might go to work but the guns comes first .

That's the beauty of owning your own business

How did it go??


Been pellet testing on a new HW100KS.22 for a mate ,found daystate Li the best with a 5 fps spread over 4 mags.

With the 97 at the moment having 5 fps spread is it worth touching it or not ?


theres this old saying lol.. "if it isn't broke it doesn't need fixing" hahahaa


its something to do when your bored LOL :thumbs:


hope my hw97 is as consistent now as it was the other day, all I have done is slightly lower the power from 12.1 I think now it will be at roughly 11 after the adjustment I made.

need to double check tho.


7.1 FPS is good enough for me.. just numbers anyway!


as long as the pellets keep hitting a 5p sized target at 34 yards every shot then that's all I ask from my rifles. plenty good enough for me. I'm no sniper LOL

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I will be doing mine tomorrow , I thought I might go to work but the guns comes first .

That's the beauty of owning your own business

How did it go??


Been pellet testing on a new HW100KS.22 for a mate ,found daystate Li the best with a 5 fps spread over 4 mags.

With the 97 at the moment having 5 fps spread is it worth touching it or not ?


theres this old saying lol.. "if it isn't broke it doesn't need fixing" hahahaa


its something to do when your bored LOL :thumbs:


hope my hw97 is as consistent now as it was the other day, all I have done is slightly lower the power from 12.1 I think now it will be at roughly 11 after the adjustment I made.

need to double check tho.


7.1 FPS is good enough for me.. just numbers anyway!


as long as the pellets keep hitting a 5p sized target at 34 yards every shot then that's all I ask from my rifles. plenty good enough for me. I'm no sniper LOL


Even in the past with rifles up to 40 fps spread they will still shoot very accurate when you do your bit.


"don't get too wound up in the numbers", someone once told me.. and after that I thought "yeah actually, screw it"

so what if next man's rifle is more consistent than mine.. mine is still as accurate as it needs to be and good enough for me!

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i think the new piston seal might still be bedding in. going to take the 3 remaining washers out and try it again!


got these this morning as soon as I got to the farmers woods. after checking zero with the hobbys in the farmyard. 5 shots at 34 yards





I shot the first and as I was reloading, hiding behind a wall, when It dropped from the branch the other one started playing with it! or trying to.. then it got a lead present aswel :laugh:


this is with the superfields at 34 yards, there very consistent over the chrono but feckin shyte accuracy wise! same sort of accuracy as they were in my hw100!! must have a dodgy batch :huh:




daystate rangemaster li 34yds 10 shots 3 wobbles :whistling: well my hands were numb~!!! :laugh:




and heres a hood 3 shots with the FTT's ... was getting loads of fliers with these tho.. maybe it was because I had trench foot and my hands had icicles dangling off them :laugh::laugh: try them again next time :thumbs:


anyway seems pretty nice to shoot, still makes a slight really dull twang don't know why, the spring is a pretty good fit in the piston ?! ah well. its good enough for me :thumbs:


thanks for all the interest guys, going to strip it .. Again :blink: .. and lower the power again then see how it is after that.

happy shooting

1 shot SKoT :victory:

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Hw97k .22

RWS Hobby 11.9gr average stated on tin. not washed weighed lubed measured LOL


1.) 676.7

2.) 677.0

3.) 676.6

4.) 680.0

5.) 680.0

6.) 675.3 . Lowest. 12.05 FtLb

7.) 680.9

8.) 679.9

9.) 682.4 . Highest. 12.30 FtLb

10.) 679.8


Spread 7.1 FPS / 0.25 FtLb :thumbs: happy with that with pellets straight from the tin.

Average 678.86 FPS / 12.18 FtLb whoops time to lower it! :whistling:



Impossible! :/


679.7 high


674.0 low







Total spread 5.7 fps

Average 677.12 or 12.11

What the feck it should be lower! :/

Still same pellets. Still 5 degrees out here

Aaaargh more stripping down for feck sake ive had it up to here !!!!

Now then as you can see, its slightly more consistent. I think this is to do with the new piston seal bedding in after a few more hundred shots fired

from 7.1 fps spread down to 5.7 (with the hobbys.


so im happy with that.


just need power to be lower lol so guess what im doing tonight ?!! bloody stripping it down AGAIN!!! the joys :icon_eek:

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