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Paulus = ray of sunshine.

In the scrot lol a few years back while out with the terriers I was down on my knees with the smoker. A rat ran straight into my lap, dog bit rat, rat bit me lol I can laugh about it now but at the t

got bit by a mink once doing my "take them out the trap alive trick" that hurt got hot and swelled up then went all nasty and pussy!   but yeh ive been bit by a rat on the side of my hand and tha

There's not a chance in hell of that ever happening to me! If a live rat got within biting distance there'd be some serious Bruce Lee shit going on!


Felt the sharp end of a cat and fox though and of course a ferret. I'd take a bite from a bloody cobra before I'd let a rat bite me!

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That's the buzz Scot, you just don't get that shot of adrenaline in many other forms of hunting. That shear panick being in close proximity to a few rats in the dark is I imagine a similar feeling to standing in the path of a charging bull Elephant in musk! :D:yes::laugh:


You've not lived mate! :laugh:

Edited by Born Hunter
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no never been bitten by one,and if i ever do i will need f*****g councilling. i hate they f*****g things.


incidentally my grandfather who i never knew died of weills disease., buried him in a lead lined coffin

Don't tell everyone,or the lead will be weighed in,


Got clawed by a cat,that went septic,I booted it up the arse big time,got scar just down from my thumb from a poley ferret it was supposed to be handtame.

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i would go as far to say i have a genuine fear of them.picked up real bad poleys and been bitten a few times.even mice dont bother me.at the fishing the wee field mice run over your body.but RATS !! you only need to mention the word and im on edge haha

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got bit on the wrist by a rat whilst tickling trout as a kid. tore the flesh as I ripped it off. Hospital just steri-stripped it and jabs. Since then I hate the feckers! And if anyone tells you to grab them by the tail 'cos they can't climb up their own body length, dont believe 'em 'cos its bolloxs!

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no never been bitten by one,and if i ever do i will need f*****g councilling. i hate they f*****g things.


incidentally my grandfather who i never knew died of weills disease., buried him in a lead lined coffin

Don't tell everyone,or the lead will be weighed in,





Lmao...tea spat on keyboard moment :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Use to laugh at an old bloke who i used to rat with for wearing bicycle clips but looking back he wasnt that daft :yes:

just looked it :laugh:

forgot about the old school ways,makes sence when you think about it.where i live there's a lane for traffic which is well used which has a stream running by the side of it,some time ago a fella was walking home drunk down the lane fell into the stream and was dead within ten days from Weil's disease.most rats I've seen in daytime was at my local retail park where there's a McDonald's and KFC, sat in the car eating ourmc'd must have counted at least 15 in and out of hedge.got to say mind i was parked closer to KFC's
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A fair few years ago my pal who's head keeper now but back then was a beat keeper had problems with feral cats on the rearing field panicking the partridge at night so they bundled in the corners. One morning he came onto the field to find a big tom hanging from the window of a shed which he proceeded to strangle to death. Now strangling an angry feral tom to death is harder than you think, his arms, chest and stomach looked like he'd been attacked with a hedge cutter! Needed stitches, ab's and still ended up with an infection! We still laugh about it now explaining to the triage nurse in a & e how he was trying to rescue a cat that was in a live catch trap, amazing what you do when the red mist descends!

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A fair few years ago my pal who's head keeper now but back then was a beat keeper had problems with feral cats on the rearing field panicking the partridge at night so they bundled in the corners. One morning he came onto the field to find a big tom hanging from the window of a shed which he proceeded to strangle to death. Now strangling an angry feral tom to death is harder than you think, his arms, chest and stomach looked like he'd been attacked with a hedge cutter! Needed stitches, ab's and still ended up with an infection! We still laugh about it now explaining to the triage nurse in a & e how he was trying to rescue a cat that was in a live catch trap, amazing what you do when the red mist descends!


Well that wasn't a daft idea :blink:

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