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2 Doe's I Shot Yesterday

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Hi folks.

Don't normally post my roe pics but decided to start getting involved a bit plus one more shooter is better than one more anti I reckons.

Got these 2 just as it was getting dark, my perm is 2 minutes from the house and is a great place to unwind at the weekends and when the light nights come back in.

I had been out for about 3 hours and was heading back to the motor to head home when low and behold these 2 were in the field next to my motor.

I was lucky that there was a dyke between myself and them an quickly dropped behind it and crawled on all 4s for a sneaky look to see that they had not seen me.

I carefully propped the .243 on top of the dyke and shot the smaller of the 2 which was side on at about 25 yards, dropped on the spot.

The larger of the 2 trotted off but did not see me in the gloom and started making its way round the field looking at the dropped deer, a quick bark stopped it and it was game over.

A great end to the day.






Edited by thursodog
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Cheers for the positive comments folks.

I hope all of you have success in what's left of this year and into next year.

The bloody rain has not stopped here for 2 days now and I'm climbing the walls.

Had a drive round yesterday but they are keeping their heads down.

There's over 20 roe causing havoc for the local farmers that I help out so hopefully It'll improve and I can get out for a stalk.





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Our forecast is dry tomorrow till 4pm then rain till Sunday so I'm all geared up for an early start.

I'll save the whiskey and beer till tomorrow evening with a lie in on the second.

I hope tomorrow brings you good fortune and dry weather sussex. :thumbs:

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