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New Hutch

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Looking to make a new hutch , and fancied something differant from the standard design , anyone got any ideas or pics ?

Saw one once that was made to fit in a corner of a yard,,, so it was shaped like a letter L.


I have been looking at those garden storage sheds for push bikes,, about 6 foot wide and between 2 and 3 foot deep about 4 foot high,,, they have double doors on the front,, that could be easily made in to wire meshed doors

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old boy i used to go ferreting with just had a 6x4 shed with a wire door full of shavings and a few old car tyres hanging up ---he had small boxes with holes in screwed to the side about 8inch off the foor that they used to sleep in ...

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Some good ones , years ago a mate who only had a small concrete yard around the back , had 2 small hutches fastened to the yard wall at each end connected in the middle by a 9ft piece of land drainage pipe, sounded strange to hear the ferrets running up and down it

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I'd concentrate on a big weather proof run with a hard floor first then put some nest boxes or a small hutch inside it for sleeping. Make it easy to open and clean, makes life easy. My indoor hutch has detachable walls on every side so getting in to clean is no bother.

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