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Running The Beam

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With regard to this following the beam 800 yard,,,,,   I know some of you would lamp large game at great distance,,,ie let the dog see the eyes reflected,, and the dog wind the said beast,,turn the

Someone on the other thread mentioned 400 yard slips; well a greyhound at full speed would take about 25-30 seconds just to get up to the quarry !! I think some people exaggerate the lamping distance

if i put lamp on and i know theres something there , i like my dog to go down there no matter how far ,even if she can't see the quarry due to high grass or something, she knows if i keep lamp on a sp

  On 30/12/2013 at 20:10, tjones3862 said:

has long has a dog don't stand and stair,, at game when there next to a hedge etc,,,, that to me his when the a problem,,,so a 20 yard slip or a 150 slip his more than enough for me,,,,,, the proves in the pudding by the end of the nite,,,, the bags are getting bigger bye the year,, 121 was put away not long back,,,so why have a dog that want to run a poxy 800 yard away,,,,

:thumbs::thumbs: Buy the dog a fecking bus ticket!!!

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  On 30/12/2013 at 21:14, Brigzy said:

Maxhardcore, Perhaps one of the mods will look at the post and either confirm you said 400 yards or 300 yards; either way it is a ridiculus statement !

What was the statement and which type of dog did it pertain to?

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Those Blitzes are a 'tad' too much for bunnys IMO, never took one out on a bunny bash, Striker is about as high as i'd go. Round here you can clear the next two fields with a swing of a Striker on the red, never mind a Blitz.

Seen some dogs that'll run a beam as far as it'd go BUT unless a dog has a chance of getting to grips with whats at the end of it, whats the point? When gear is caught at distance on the lamp, it can be a great feeling but your view is usually poor and your chances of repeating it with each run grows slimmer. I used to love those lamp on, lamp off, lamp on, SURPRISE! slips but they don't work every time and i'd rather see my runs as up close an personal as I can.

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Darcy 80 yards is no where near a big slip I have witnessed 300 yard plus slips many many times both night and day we have a mutal friend that has also seen it ask him about a slip with my old bitch on a fox before the ban that we paced out at 330 yards from slip to where the fox stood ...imo holding a dog back until the quarry (rabbits ) have the advantage lets you know what kind of dog you have on the end of your slip .....a dog that drops stuff it has no right to even get near is a decent animal imo

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Mik I' am all for testing dogs and seeing what they are made of but long slips prove nothing other than a dog will run down the beam,


which IMO any decent lamp dog should do from an early age :yes:


There is also a massive difference between giving a dog a long slip on something sitting/standing still and an animal on the move.

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  On 30/12/2013 at 23:46, MIK said:

Darcy 80 yards is no where near a big slip I have witnessed 300 yard plus slips many many times both night and day we have a mutal friend that has also seen it ask him about a slip with my old bitch on a fox before the ban that we paced out at 330 yards from slip to where the fox stood ...imo holding a dog back until the quarry (rabbits ) have the advantage lets you know what kind of dog you have on the end of your slip .....a dog that drops stuff it has no right to even get near is a decent animal imo

Writing that really makes no sense to me, from one angle I hear what your saying about knowing what your dog may be capable of BUT if your out enough and giving it all, your gonna get to know that anyway, no need to give any critter an advantage, nor hold a dog back... I run gear to catch it, not piss about trying to catch it!

If you want it in the bag and you 'think' it could be done then never 'hold back', take any advantage... What the feck is lamping anyway, because to me its giving an advantage to your dog... Run it to catch it and if you think it could be done, on whatever distance then don't hold back, you'll soon see....

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  On 30/12/2013 at 23:46, MIK said:

Darcy 80 yards is no where near a big slip I have witnessed 300 yard plus slips many many times both night and day we have a mutal friend that has also seen it ask him about a slip with my old bitch on a fox before the ban that we paced out at 330 yards from slip to where the fox stood ...imo holding a dog back until the quarry (rabbits ) have the advantage lets you know what kind of dog you have on the end of your slip .....a dog that drops stuff it has no right to even get near is a decent animal imo

That to me just explains what you have....a really fast dog. Plus a long slip would be productive on really big land(provided you could keep it in the beam).But by your rationale...A dog slipped at hedgerow bunnies(which is in the bunnies favour) and a decent catch ratio..would also mean you have a tidy animal. My idea of a decent animal is one that will still try its nuts off even when he knows there's nothing left in the tank but would rather collapse trying than pull up or quit.

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There was one night we were out for rabbits and spotted something way, way off in the distance at the edge of a wood, you literally could hardly make them out.

After a bit of a walk, we shone the lamp again and they were still there. He was a novice dog, and probably an idiot thing to do but it was one of those...'let's see what will happen' moments we have all had at one time or another. Off he went even though they were just specks in the beam, he had seen them. And when he was right up to them, we could hardly make the dog out. We have been in that field dozens of time day and night so know the distance is approx 300-350 yards.


Now I'm not saying it was right or wrong, or something i would ever do again. But that night will stick in my mind forever, seeing that the dog was capable to do all that distance for something he could barely see, and still catch. It was thrilling, breathtaking and filled me with awe and respect of the once thought of...daft, gormless lump at the end of the lead.


So i can understand why some people have such pride when a dog does something like that. But it is one of those things unless you experience it, and feel those emotions (Some people will do it but never get that feeling) you may never understand. But as is already said, it is not something you would need to or want to do time and time again.

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