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Someone on the other thread mentioned 400 yard slips; well a greyhound at full speed would take about 25-30 seconds just to get up to the quarry !! I think some people exaggerate the lamping distances, just as some of the coursing lads exaggerate the times of the courses.

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With regard to this following the beam 800 yard,,,,,   I know some of you would lamp large game at great distance,,,ie let the dog see the eyes reflected,, and the dog wind the said beast,,turn the

Someone on the other thread mentioned 400 yard slips; well a greyhound at full speed would take about 25-30 seconds just to get up to the quarry !! I think some people exaggerate the lamping distance

if i put lamp on and i know theres something there , i like my dog to go down there no matter how far ,even if she can't see the quarry due to high grass or something, she knows if i keep lamp on a sp

That's always been my experience brigzy,,,people's perception of distance goes when it's dark,, a 100 yard is just short of two football pitches end to end.


I'm lucky to have a field at the side of my house,, with rabbits on it particularly the far hedge,,,well me being a bit of a geek,, I've pased it out at 220 paces,, roughly 200 yard,,,the rabbits can be difficult in the day to see,,lol,,, at night there very hard to see

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I lamp with a blitz all the time and I'm pretty sure it doesn't go anything like 800m, whatever it might say on the box. That's almost half a mile and even downhill with a backwind I don't think it does it.

no it doesnt mate nowere near probly half that ive got the 170 says 600m from one end of field to other is 340m and only just reaches

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That's always been my experience brigzy,,,people's perception of distance goes when it's dark,, a 100 yard is just short of two football pitches end to end.


I'm lucky to have a field at the side of my house,, with rabbits on it particularly the far hedge,,,well me being a bit of a geek,, I've pased it out at 220 paces,, roughly 200 yard,,,the rabbits can be difficult in the day to see,,lol,,, at night there very hard to see

A football pitch is between 100 and 130 yards!! Two football pitches end to end would be 200 t0 260 yards. I can see what you mean about peoples perception of distance being wrong.

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Someone on the other thread mentioned 400 yard slips; well a greyhound at full speed would take about 25-30 seconds just to get up to the quarry !! I think some people exaggerate the lamping distances, just as some of the coursing lads exaggerate the times of the courses.

Who said 400 yard slips? That's not right.


A greyhound at full speed would only take 20 seconds to cover that distance, all things being equal. There's too many variables to take into account to work that out properly though.

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That's always been my experience brigzy,,,people's perception of distance goes when it's dark,, a 100 yard is just short of two football pitches end to end.I'm lucky to have a field at the side of my house,, with rabbits on it particularly the far hedge,,,well me being a bit of a geek,, I've pased it out at 220 paces,, roughly 200 yard,,,the rabbits can be difficult in the day to see,,lol,,, at night there very hard to see

A football pitch is between 100 and 130 yards!! Two football pitches end to end would be 200 t0 260 yards. I can see what you mean about peoples perception of distance being wrong.

Yep just read my post,,, realised I wrote it incorrectly thank you,,, I ment to say 200 yard is just short of the length of 2 football pitches.. Cheers ;)

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Someone on the other thread mentioned 400 yard slips; well a greyhound at full speed would take about 25-30 seconds just to get up to the quarry !! I think some people exaggerate the lamping distances, just as some of the coursing lads exaggerate the times of the courses.

Who said 400 yard slips? That's not right.


A greyhound at full speed would only take 20 seconds to cover that distance, all things being equal. There's too many variables to take into account to work that out properly though.


Yes, definately too many variables, by the time the greyhound had covered that 400 yards the hare would have gone a fair distance itself.

Edited by Maximus Ferret
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I lamp with a blitz all the time and I'm pretty sure it doesn't go anything like 800m, whatever it might say on the box. That's almost half a mile and even downhill with a backwind I don't think it does it.

Why would being downhill and wind have anything to do with light travelling? Not taking the piss just curious.

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I lamp with a blitz all the time and I'm pretty sure it doesn't go anything like 800m, whatever it might say on the box. That's almost half a mile and even downhill with a backwind I don't think it does it.

Why would being downhill and wind have anything to do with light travelling? Not taking the piss just curious.


you might not be but he was :D

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I lamp with a blitz all the time and I'm pretty sure it doesn't go anything like 800m, whatever it might say on the box. That's almost half a mile and even downhill with a backwind I don't think it does it.

Why would being downhill and wind have anything to do with light travelling? Not taking the piss just curious.


you might not be but he was :D


:D ....... :thumbs:


My bad I thought he was just being Irish. :laugh:

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I think it was Maxhardcore talking about 400 yard slips.


The nearest track record to 400 yards I can find is 415 metres at Harlow at 25.5 seconds, so if running at night on rough ground, not a track, my estimate isn't far out. I reckon you would have a champ if it could do 400 yards in 20 seconds !!! Anyhow, my point was that it would take a fair while for a Lurcher to get up on it's quarry at that distance, even if you could see it that far away. :thumbs:

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I think it was Maxhardcore talking about 400 yard slips.


The nearest track record to 400 yards I can find is 415 metres at Harlow at 25.5 seconds, so if running at night on rough ground, not a track, my estimate isn't far out. I reckon you would have a champ if it could do 400 yards in 20 seconds !!! Anyhow, my point was that it would take a fair while for a Lurcher to get up on it's quarry at that distance, even if you could see it that far away. :thumbs:

no body gunna really slip at that distance 100-150 \at the very most and tbh i wouldnt evenslip at that i try to get to where the dog can atleast see the quarry so about 50yrds max

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