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Hi lads, got permission for a local cemetery having bother with moles and rabbits. Moles dead now the rabbit side of things is a different matter. Gave them a few options, ferreting, snaring, shooting or fenn traps. But my problem now is the council are wanting them live trapped and taken off site for disposal incase of offending a member of public. Question 1 is what sort of trap and placement etc. its a 15 foot wide rough strip ( brambles etc ) with a banking to a boundry burn. Hence the ferrets or fenn traps as there out of sight. Question 2 is what bait to use for rabbits and question 3 is it legal to take them off site for disposal or would i be better parking the defender well out the way in the cemetery and humanely dispaching them in the back of the jeep ? Cheers bit of a tricky one as i normally snare or shoot them but have used fenn traps in the past.

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Are you doing this work for free or as a paid service?


Personally live trapping is ineffective method of rabbit control IMO. Drop boxes can be used in conjunction with specialist rabbit fencing and can be a costly to install not to mention time consuming to service.


I wouldn't be using fen traps either for fear of catching non target species.


Rabbits do not trap easily to baited cage traps, which in itself defies the councils views on causing concern????? Much better to shoot under the cover of darkness when no ones about.


To be honest I think you need to educate your contact on more viable and effective methods, as by the sounds of it they have no idea what they are talking about, and it is you that is providing the Pest Control service in whatever capacity .

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Don't let the customer dictate!


If they know best, why have they got you in?


Choose the most suitable method for the job in hand. Ideally before you price the job. Lay out your terms and conditions and supply full method statements for your proposed works.

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:hmm:Get offered these type of jobs on a regular basis....

Back in the day,..local authorities paid real well,..and more importantly,.they allowed you (the contractor) ..to get on with the job,.as you saw fit.


Nowadays,..there is so much legislation and pressure from 'the powers that be',...and a genuine fear of causing a stir or of upsetting sensitive folk,.that,..in many cases the job ain't worth the hassle..


In truth,..it is often best, to walk away........ :thumbs:

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agreed. the head teacher wouldn't let me take in my ferrets, so I turned to the cage trap! :laugh: on several occasions I was sitting in lessons when there would be a tap on the window. it would be the caretaker who I know well and he would be holding a bin bag containing the next rabbit!!! believe me, I got some funny looks and lots of questions, I just told them he was growing weed for me round the back...! :icon_eek::blink::whistling::huh::hmm::D

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Told them today the only 3 methods i would use is shooting with rifle at night (nobody about), snaring but checking before gates are opened and checking after gates are shut or ferreting. Im allowed to do it my way as long as a member of the public isnt arount or insulted. Also to put a sign on gate with a laminated copy of my permission

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