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Last One Of The Year.

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After scraping the ice off the windscreen I headed down the 303 to meet up with Chris and his boy for a day on a new permission.We rendezvoused with Luke on the way and got to the ground a few minutes later and met up with the owners.We had about 30 acres to wander around plus the front garden and around some decking at the rear.We hit the front garden first, there were a few holes around some conifers so we netted up and managed to only bolt the one from here.




We looked at the decking but decided to leave this until the end, so we headed out into the fields.Long nets were set up and the ferrets deployed.







We got 3 from one hedge line then struggled from then on, the ground was still very wet, with some hole full of water.





Their was a small section of hedge in the middle of the field which had a few old holes in, we were going to drop a ferret in and see if anything bolted but ended up digging down 18 inches and removed the rabbit by hand.We had 1 more from a mound of soil before heading back to the house and giving the decking a going over.We netted up but the rabbits would turn when they saw the nets so we whipped up a long net and got 1. The next 1 bolted and jumped the net making his way past the owners living room...... :doh:



We spent the next hour or so listening to the ferret run around before he decided to show himself, swiftly boxing him brought our day to an end, another good outing in some new pleasant surroundings.We will return when its a bit dryer and have another go................. bigger nets may be needed.




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