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Muslims Attacking Russia

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Watch how they Russkies deal with this... One thing to be said about them is they don't fuuck about

The russians will come down heavy on them,they never have given a f**k what the rest of the world thinks or says.and lets be honest no one is ever going to challenge them. all those that did ended up

they dont think like normal people born. they ended the situation. the fact a few innocent people died is neither here nor there to them.   @tomo think the millions of US dollars and weapons from t

Племена были собраны на неверных это время убить их.убить их всех. :laugh:


Технология обогнал полномочия мусульманских племен. :thumbs:

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We don't have the balls! Hahaha yeah alright. If we didn't the Russians would invade our airspace all the time, fact is they don't. They test us in sly ways but behave. If they were deemed a threat a Typhoon would unleash hell! And it would be completely legal, justified and supported by NATO. A Russian military aircraft unresponsive entering deep into British airspace would be shot down after proper protocol was followed. They behave because they would be the instigator of a shit storm and they don't want that.

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one of there spys polluted a couple planes a flat a shop,and killed some c**t. when we asked to interview the guy. we were told f**k off! lol

its the russians time to catch a bit flak from those head cases, lets see how they deal with it,and whatever way they do you can be assured human rights wont be top of there concern lol


they will wish they were in guantanamo getting water boarded if the ruskies get a hold of them

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ww3 on the way??????????


Between who?


The red army burning Islamic insurgents ain't much of a war... LOL


nah but it will be funny.wonder how many nations will go to help there plight.no many i suspect.but hey f**k all stopping the tribes here going to mother russia to help there islam brothers.f**k ill sling in a few quid towards there flight lol

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When Russia does do what it has to do, lets hope no do gooder westerners insist on interfering with cries of human rights etc, Remember these people would be quite happy to decapitate each and every one of us on public television. The saying from WW2 is never truer than when dealing with terrorists of this sort.................nice men don't win wars....................take the gloves off for God sake, else one day our female descendants will live the life of slaves.

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