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Muslims Attacking Russia

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Watch how they Russkies deal with this... One thing to be said about them is they don't fuuck about

The russians will come down heavy on them,they never have given a f**k what the rest of the world thinks or says.and lets be honest no one is ever going to challenge them. all those that did ended up

they dont think like normal people born. they ended the situation. the fact a few innocent people died is neither here nor there to them.   @tomo think the millions of US dollars and weapons from t

they dont think like normal people born. they ended the situation. the fact a few innocent people died is neither here nor there to them.




I know that mate. They killed over a hundred hostages and hospitalised hundreds more, they're rank amateurs. They just don't give a shite and that's the only thing that makes them dangerous to terrorists.


We may negotiate for a bit and offer them a cream tea and paper but when it comes to taking action our forces excute with surgical precision and aggression. The Russians on the other hand say f**k all and torch anything and everything as long as they kill their targets. LOL. One is hostage rescue, the other is dumb murder.


Fair play to em though, they take no shit, like the Israelis.

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your patriotisim is commendable mate,but the russians have very good special forces "spetsnaz". my point was they arent wired the same as us, they have lived with opression and hardship for centuries. life is certainly cheap in that country.


good old stalin was a cad lol used all the prisoners from his jails as human mine sweepers. a tank was far more valuable.

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your patriotisim is commendable mate,but the russians have very good special forces "spetsnaz". my point was they arent wired the same as us, they have lived with opression and hardship for centuries. life is certainly cheap in that country.


good old stalin was a cad lol used all the prisoners from his jails as human mine sweepers. a tank was far more valuable.


The Spetsnaz are a formidable force with a highly regarded reputation no doubt. But f**k me they have a piss poor hostage rescue history. Why even attempt to rescue them with that attitude, just starve em out. If there is a hostage situation at these games, the hostages are on very thin ice with these mad feckers! Caught in a gun fight between Islamic extremists and Alpha Group Spetsnaz, haha!

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I still remember pics of Putin on horseback, shirtless with a huge f**k off dagger strapped to his waist. Imagine Dodgy Dave Cameron going out pictured like that lol :laugh:

He'd have a poncey 2" rusty folding penknife whilst on a seaside donkey and a bicycle helmet lol

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I hope the rusians go to town on muslims. the shitskins cant complain when they get bit by the Russian bear theyre poking with a stick. this is a situation where the Russians can show the west how its done


Most Russian Muslims are white. They come from the Caucasus region (Dagestan and Chechnya), which is the origin of the word 'Caucasian'.

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The Russians are mad and that's what worries me about them :laugh:


A human life means f**k all to them and at the same time they know no one dares challenge them hence why they keep sending bombers into our airspace...little old Britain won't dare say out :yes:

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I often wonder about my childrens future with all the shit that goes on,and what lies ahead for their future and the grandchildrens future.Its enough of a worry that my eldest son is in Afghanistan,without having to worry about other generations.

I despise what goes on all in the name of religion,hypocrits the lot of them. As john lydon once said "This is not religion,its your religion".

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Any hostage situation during the russian olympics will be dealt with by the british special forces. We'll be there especially for this reason. Anything else will be dealt with by the rushkies. :thumbs:

was about to say exactly that...

If you read the article, it hints that this has been agreed already..

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The Russians are mad and that's what worries me about them :laugh:


A human life means f**k all to them and at the same time they know no one dares challenge them hence why they keep sending bombers into our airspace...little old Britain won't dare say out :yes:

Ruby, not being funny mate but every time a Russian recon plane even sniffs around our patch Typhoons are scrambled to intercept. And don't doubt we'd pull the trigger on an AMRAAM if threatened!

Edited by Born Hunter
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